anime, manga, video games, drawing, hanging out with friends. i love fantasy movies and novels. anything done by RA Salvatore is awsome! i love Dungeons and Dragons and all other table top rpgs. i also love wrestling, yes i know sounds like a weird mix of interests, guess what? IT IS!
Harrison Ford, Anthony Hopkins, Giacametti, Masashi Kishimoto, Gary Gygax, Rey Mysterio, Merlin, Drizzt, Bruenor, Pharaun, Ryld, Gromph, and many others
i love all music except pop, most rap, and most country. some of my favorite bands are System of a Down, GreenDay, Blink 182, Queen, NoFx, MxPx, Bad Religion, Flogging Molly, and others. some of my favorite songs are Brainstew by Greenday, Good Riddance also by Greenday, Whats left of the Flag by Flogging Haruko Kanata, and some others
what else, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, Hollow Man, Dumb and Dumber, Batman 1 and 2 (not 3 and 4), spider man 2, Constantine, BraveHeart, Gladiator, South Park used to be but i have seen it and heard it being quoted TOO MANY FING TIMES, Alien (s,3,resurection,and versus predotor), predator (1 and 2), american pie 2 (lesbian scene),super mario brothers (yes it was crappy but entertaining), Mortal Kombat, there are more i just cant think of any at the moment
i like a lot of anime, but thats not really on tv here, but my fav animes are naruto, GTO, Full Metal Alchemist, Hunter X Hunter, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, and thats itregular tv shows some of my favs are CSI, Lost, Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, Aqua Team Hunger Force, Harvey Birdman, Seinfeld, Scrubs, etc.
i like regular novels and comic books, some of my favorite books are fantasy such as every book in the Drizzt series, also the War of the Spider Queen series, the LOTR and Hobbit, Jurrasic Park, Enders Game, HitchHikers Guide, and some others. some of my favorite comics are shonen jump, naruto, and many web comics
my dad