In disappointment of the modern gothrock scene Martin Got and Tobias Sidegård decided to start a brand new band. It was a
freezing winterday in Stockholm/Sweden, sometime in 2006. We felt a strong urge to bring back the right feeling to this sort
of music. Partly to show the youngsters what goth is all about, but also to satisfy the older audience in the scene. Very soon,
Anders Lord, Magnus Barthelson and Kim Christ was recruited. Even though not all of us where familiar with each other the
chemistry worked perfect right from the start. We could all feel some magic and a wicked energy float between us. Order of Isaz
was born.
All in Isaz are experienced musicians and have many tours and records behind us. Malaise, Therion and Necrophobic are bands
that we´re active or have been active in, just to mention a few. This however don´t mean that Order of Isaz is some kind of side
project. It´s a fulltime, serious commitment for all members.
The influences are many, but we value to keep our own original style very carefully. Joy Division, Fields of the Nephilim,
Birthday Party, The Mission, Sisters of Mercy, Cocteau Twins, Dead can Dance and The Church has had an impact though.
At the present we have recorded our first demo and are now working on a bunch of more great dark tunes. We have started
to look for gigs and we´re all really impatient to get this wheel of fortune spinning. So any promotor or decent record label
out there, don´t hesitate to contact us. We´re all open for suggestions!
Decadence my friends...
My Interests
Member Since: 10/18/2006
Band Members:
Martin Got - Vox
Tobias Sidegård - Guitars, vox
Kim Christ - Bass
Magnus Barthelson - Guitars
Anders Lord - Drums & percussion