I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4So... Everything started when Szymon and Marcin came to the same class in secondary school of Juliusz Slowacki in Warsaw. They both played drums and listened to the same type of music. In second class Marcin decided to sell his drumset and started to play guitar. When he learned to play on appropiate level, on winter break in 2005 he started jammin' with Szymon. They played a lot of covers and started composing their own stuff. After a few months Szymon started to search for a bass player who might join to the band. He red some announcements and choose the one made by Lukas who moved to Warsaw and had been searching for a new band. From this moment things started to move faster than anytime before.First meeting showed that all the members excellent understood themselves.
Next weeks was passing on making the progress of Szymon and Marcin songs. They changed many things and realized that Lukas apart from playing on bass can also sing. Not very good but it was really that what they need. It was a one problem less… When the songs' work meet the end it was the the time when guys decided to make a CD with their music. 26th of November they came to the KPD studio and after 10 hours of recordng the first Ignition EP was done.
When the first delight over the EP had passed Ignition found that it isn't so good piece of music so after a few days new songs ideas arised… so now we are working on new songs and making some more music to get ready for some shows.
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