lines of flight, hidden orders, secret beauty
I always thought I'd get to meet Jane Jacobs, Will Eisner, and Gilles Deleuze, but that's never going to happen.
I used to be a music obsessive, but since my HD failed and I lost a decade's worth of music, I only really listen to WFMU. And Dan Deacon.
I recently saw a bunch of Michael Haneke films. I love Cache, Time of the Wolf and Code: Unknown, and hate Funny Games (haven't seen the new version, tho').
Recently loved: the new version of Bladerunner, Hsiao-hsien Hou's Flight of the Red Balloon (an homage to the awesome kid's film The Red Balloon) and the awesomely ridiculous drug-ploitation film Blue Sunshine.
Been re-reading Foucault's Order of Things for some masochistic reason.
Recently loved: Philip Roth's Plot Against America. I've always avoided the big "dick swinging authors" of the 50s, but Roth's new book is a great "What If?" story where Charles Lindenberg wins the pre-WWII presidential race and causes the US to slide to hell. It's obviously about today; obviously about the current despair as we watch our country eviscerate itself.
Also, A Pickpocket's Tale: The Underworld of Nineteenth-Century New York which is a gripping yarn and an inadvertent slap against the libertarian screed of privatization.
Jane Jacobs, Lou Andreas-Salome, Dave Hickey, Jared Diamond, Valentino Achak Deng