Dunbar 2012! profile picture

Dunbar 2012!

Busted, dusted, and disgusted.

About Me

This is a brief overview of my current platform:I've permanently injured my back working long days as a cook and exhausted myself with late nights as a bartender. I've been jaded by the ivory tower bureaucracy of academia. I've been beat down and brained-out as a teacher. I've dulled my senses with click-clack office work. And I've decided that the working world is completely fucked up. As president I hope to initiate a mandatory 5-week paid vacation for all full-time American workers as well as either a four-day work week or a six hour work day. We are underpaid and overworked, kept too busy to think and too bored to grow. Instead of working in these isolated bubbles called jobs, we should be afforded more time to work as groups to build sustainable, interconnected communities, that is, making real lives for ourselves.I strongly believe in the inherent and immeasurable value of wild spaces, wildlife, and the natural environment. It should be the priority of every nation and particularly the US to focus its energies on creating a sustainable economy that constantly seeks to preserve the health of our natural resources and ourselves and which recognizes the deep biological bonds between humans and nature.A healthy population and healthy environment depends upon peace and social stability. While we in the US have afforded ourselves such freedom for the most part, our government's foreign policies seem almost hellbent on denying much of the developing world these basic rights. While we chastise other countries for the possession or proliferation of WMDs, etc, we have the largest stockpile of nuclear and conventional weapons in the world and are continuously spending taxpayer's money to develop new and more efficient ways of killing and implementing these weapons in wars around the world.Although the total elimination of all such weapons will take generations, I believe we should start now with the most dangerous weapons and de-nuke America. Along these lines we should be using the incredible manpower of our armed forces to aid our fellow nations rather than dismantling them with the hopes of rebuilding them in a way which benefits our industries. These actions depend upon us starting to think as a single planet rather than these single, isolated countries in an endgame for resources. A collective "spaceship earth" line of thinking is much more in line with reality than the "out of sight, out of mind" philosophy which seems to govern so many contemporary government and social policies.The education of the individual in our society has been a low priority in this country for its entire existence. If we truly want a democratic nation, we need to pour our resources into a system of education designed to make such an informed citizenry, rather than churning out good little wage slaves in constant competition with each other, in constant fear of losing those precious bio-survival tickets called money, and at a constant loss for purpose in life beyond consumption of material goods and services.In line with this educational referandum is the need to revise our penal system. Millions of American men and women are incarcerated at taxpayers' expense for non-violent crimes while corporations commit crimes against human health and well-being on a daily basis without reproach. where is the government that looks after the people and not the interest of corporations? where is the government which seeks to aid and rehabilitate individuals instead of tossing them into the horrifying reality of the the modern prison system? Where are the laws defending the people from mammoth corporations designed to do nothing but churn out profit for (mostly wealthy) stockholders? We live in (and involuntarily support through our tax system)an unjust society which perpetuates injustice around the globe. And we're the only one's who can change it.The values underlying all of these issues (the environment, peace and social justice, education, workers' rights, health care) are, for the most part ignored or ridiculed in the mainstream media (remember the laughs that followed Kuchinich's noble concept of a peace department?). This tendency isn't a reflection of the values of the American people, but rather a result of the values of the engine behind the media -- the corporations which own and advertise in the media. Journalists around the world face the loss of their jobs unless they follow the strict editorial demands of the corporations that run their papers, magazines, and television stations. And these corporations logically seek to promote stories and newsmakers who promote and support them. While the government, the media, and multinational corporations grow more and more cozy, information becomes stifled, outsider opinions are silenced, and viewers are treated to a shrinking set of messages which color their day-to-day decision making, including who they elect. While we seek out information sources that are both reputable and compassionate to the health, safety, and edification of the citizenry, we must also dismantle the corrupt and unethical media conglomerates which currently rule the radio, internet, tv, and print media. Again, a democracy can only exist in an informed society.

My Interests

Skill, Strategy, Magick, and Chance.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone interested in creating a world built on social justice, human and environmental health, and a well-educated democratic population which recognizes and flexes its collective power for the good of others.retainers of heat, those who celebrate at greatest lengths, interpolators, bifurcators, gathers of information who process incorrectly, those who work for free while incurring a 777% increase on the taxes.


Experimental and seminal groups from jazz, rock, rap, folk, blues, world, noise. Especially bands that have yet or will never be famous, have record deals, or make $$ but are fucking amazing. Golden Dawn, for instance. Other favorites: blastocyst, dosdedos, paper legs, blastdedos, papercyst, dos legos, cakes of light, ponies ov darkness, tetragrammaton, morMon, mormon worms, mark the schizophrenic, red herring, oakley hall, cameron hull, wax & wane, skoweyajeed, the holy experiment, hair police, magik markers, eyes and arms of smoke, milk 4 cats, sightings, congotronics (konono ..1), M.I.A., The Corndawg, Kimya Dawson, the elephants, Zeke Healy, the beets, warmer milks, canape, sharks with wings, two prong, O, Death!, christy&emily, the freeway, Owl sounds, Centipede Est, The Skinks, Chelsea Lynn Labate, Buffalo Bison...


Woody Allen, Twentieth Century Russian film, Independent movies, Classic horror, the occasional sci-fi movie, documentaries, activist movies, and gritty, realistic pictures. oh, and the most inspiring movie I've seen: WE JAM ECONO: The Story of the Minutemen. Start your own band! Grizzly Man,.....adding to this list Herzog's Aguirre Wrath of God for Kinski's sick-ass lean, yo!


In High School: Jack Kerouac, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Ken Kesey, Walt Whitman, The Tao of Pooh, and books on Buddhism.In college: Melville, the Romantic poets, Faulkner, Hemingway, Toni Morrison, Flannery O'Connor, Hamlet, Invisible Man, Derrida, Captivity Narratives, Don DeLillo, Thomas Pynchon, Dostoyevsky, Bulgakov, Salman Rushdie.Since then: Murakami, Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick, William S. Burroughs, Cormac McCarthy, Robert Anton Wilson, David Foster Wallace, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Terrance McKenna, Zecharia Sitchin, Hakim Bey, and Aleister Crowley. disinformation, Israel Regardie, Black Elk Speaks, everything in the A.R.E. Library....


Ray Anderson, sustainability C.E.O. featured in THE CORPORATION.Noam Chomsky, Linguist turned political activist might be the smartest man alive.R. Buckminster Fuller, poet-engineer and cosmic thinker understood the importance of preserving and maintaining spaceship earth.Sasha Baron Cohen, aka Ali G, quite possibly the comic genius of my generation.Alex Jones, the brash truth-seeker with the megaphone.Paco, Blazzzer, Beefmonth, George Steeltoe, Ludicrous Octopus, Mysterious McMillian, Grady Seasons, Embryonic Crusader, John Henry Bryan, Snoel Snunter, Timmy Tease, Jackie Lee, and Frank Eaton.Waddell Walker Hancock, Jr., Ali Arnold, Tianna Kennedy, Dr. Nowitzky, Lil E, Neilie, Liz Simmons, April Wood, High Priestess of the Temple of the Delta of Visage, The Benevolent and Secret High Priestess of the Inner, Red Herring, Brooke Baxter, all three aspects of the goddess, the Daughters of Ishtar, Kimya Dawson, the women of CODE PINK, the women of Omega, Acrylic Alchemist, Ladybird, Bonnie Singman, Billie Steigerwald....Peter Woodbury, Charles Fort, Jeff Chapple, Peter J. Merola

My Blog

my name

my last name is a town on the southeast coast of scotland. it means "summit-fort"the family name was founded by Gospatric in the 11th century along with the title Earl of Dunbar (also earl of lothian ...
Posted by Dunbar 2012! on Fri, 16 May 2008 06:24:00 PST

little bombs

I'm clearing a field to plant some new garden and I dig up all these unexploded bombs that were dropped so long ago.
Posted by Dunbar 2012! on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:55:00 PST

Rich witches

Frank and I went to early voting today and did our citizen's duty. NC has these interesting little touch screen computers for voting, not like the old clunkers in brooklyn. I made intelligent decision...
Posted by Dunbar 2012! on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:10:00 PST

these days

we must carry this burdenwe are young despite the yearswe are concernedwe are hope despite the times
Posted by Dunbar 2012! on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 07:57:00 PST

some time

I don't know where we were really. just floating in the ion air. i could see the heat coming off the bodies, all the little plasma signatures in the ether. now we are bits and pieces again, refabricat...
Posted by Dunbar 2012! on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:06:00 PST

Woody Guthrie Imitation

Frank and I just shot a video of me doing my best woody guthrie for a Dan Besse ad. I'm here to tell ya, it'll be funny good.time for "tour"
Posted by Dunbar 2012! on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 09:34:00 PST

The Way

I belted out all these words down in the basement, made up all these songs up of longing, coughing my heart up. They were really the same song about the same night over and over again. I am into the r...
Posted by Dunbar 2012! on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:09:00 PST

new yorking

I'm not one to wish, but last night I wished I was 26 again, getting ready to move to NY with a big crew with plans to take over a little chunk of brooklyn. I guess I wouldn't know what I know now, so...
Posted by Dunbar 2012! on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 08:03:00 PST

smoke and fire

I tried to light a fire last night, something we could all gather around, but the wood, being a little damp, took some time to get going. it went smoky a lot and I felt responsible. I don't think the ...
Posted by Dunbar 2012! on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 07:58:00 PST

psychic accupuncture

what was once a dull awareness has sharpened into pins. You are palpatating, opening me up along every meridian.
Posted by Dunbar 2012! on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 12:55:00 PST