Skill, Strategy, Magick, and Chance.
Everyone interested in creating a world built on social justice, human and environmental health, and a well-educated democratic population which recognizes and flexes its collective power for the good of others.retainers of heat, those who celebrate at greatest lengths, interpolators, bifurcators, gathers of information who process incorrectly, those who work for free while incurring a 777% increase on the taxes.
Experimental and seminal groups from jazz, rock, rap, folk, blues, world, noise. Especially bands that have yet or will never be famous, have record deals, or make $$ but are fucking amazing. Golden Dawn, for instance. Other favorites: blastocyst, dosdedos, paper legs, blastdedos, papercyst, dos legos, cakes of light, ponies ov darkness, tetragrammaton, morMon, mormon worms, mark the schizophrenic, red herring, oakley hall, cameron hull, wax & wane, skoweyajeed, the holy experiment, hair police, magik markers, eyes and arms of smoke, milk 4 cats, sightings, congotronics (konono ..1), M.I.A., The Corndawg, Kimya Dawson, the elephants, Zeke Healy, the beets, warmer milks, canape, sharks with wings, two prong, O, Death!, christy&emily, the freeway, Owl sounds, Centipede Est, The Skinks, Chelsea Lynn Labate, Buffalo Bison...
Woody Allen, Twentieth Century Russian film, Independent movies, Classic horror, the occasional sci-fi movie, documentaries, activist movies, and gritty, realistic pictures. oh, and the most inspiring movie I've seen: WE JAM ECONO: The Story of the Minutemen. Start your own band! Grizzly Man,.....adding to this list Herzog's Aguirre Wrath of God for Kinski's sick-ass lean, yo!
In High School: Jack Kerouac, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Ken Kesey, Walt Whitman, The Tao of Pooh, and books on Buddhism.In college: Melville, the Romantic poets, Faulkner, Hemingway, Toni Morrison, Flannery O'Connor, Hamlet, Invisible Man, Derrida, Captivity Narratives, Don DeLillo, Thomas Pynchon, Dostoyevsky, Bulgakov, Salman Rushdie.Since then: Murakami, Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick, William S. Burroughs, Cormac McCarthy, Robert Anton Wilson, David Foster Wallace, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Terrance McKenna, Zecharia Sitchin, Hakim Bey, and Aleister Crowley. disinformation, Israel Regardie, Black Elk Speaks, everything in the A.R.E. Library....
Ray Anderson, sustainability C.E.O. featured in THE CORPORATION.Noam Chomsky, Linguist turned political activist might be the smartest man alive.R. Buckminster Fuller, poet-engineer and cosmic thinker understood the importance of preserving and maintaining spaceship earth.Sasha Baron Cohen, aka Ali G, quite possibly the comic genius of my generation.Alex Jones, the brash truth-seeker with the megaphone.Paco, Blazzzer, Beefmonth, George Steeltoe, Ludicrous Octopus, Mysterious McMillian, Grady Seasons, Embryonic Crusader, John Henry Bryan, Snoel Snunter, Timmy Tease, Jackie Lee, and Frank Eaton.Waddell Walker Hancock, Jr., Ali Arnold, Tianna Kennedy, Dr. Nowitzky, Lil E, Neilie, Liz Simmons, April Wood, High Priestess of the Temple of the Delta of Visage, The Benevolent and Secret High Priestess of the Inner, Red Herring, Brooke Baxter, all three aspects of the goddess, the Daughters of Ishtar, Kimya Dawson, the women of CODE PINK, the women of Omega, Acrylic Alchemist, Ladybird, Bonnie Singman, Billie Steigerwald....Peter Woodbury, Charles Fort, Jeff Chapple, Peter J. Merola