Welcome to The News Reporters, or The Official E/Street Team of THE EVENING NEWS where you will assume the role of an Evening News Reporter, working to spread the PxC (Pretty-Core Movement) as well as helping out with flyers .. and off, demo passing out, and other rad activities.
As a reporter you'll get special benefits like, early mp3's, discounts and free high fives. We want to make it worth your while to help us spread our music!
This page will function as the mother ship of the News Reporters with smaller groups of people running teams in different areas. For instance, someone will be in charge of Modesto's Team, while someone else will be in charge of the LA team.
We're totally open to all ideas you can throw our way and we need all the help we can get from you lovely people!
Alex, our Merch Guy and Auni, Clark's wife will be the News Reporters leaders, so you'll be chatting with them. :-) He's over here and she's over here
We love you!