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Just Alex

Act Like a Rockstar, and You Become a Rockstar....

About Me

Simply not as simple
I just recently moved to Seattle from California. I could ramble on about how I miss the Sun and my friends and blah blah blah, but I'll spare you the details and just figure I moved away from everything I've ever known.
I'm in Seattle to pursue my dream of professionally competiting as a barista. So far, I'm doing damn good.
I am a music person. "Music is my mistress." -Duke Ellington
I am a cool person and if you think otherwise then get the hell off my page. I'm tired of worrying about what other people think, it's exhausting. I don't care if everyone out there hates me, there's someone out there that cares. I'm not going to censor myself anymore, so if you have a problem with something, tell me, and I'll try my best to not offend you. I'm okay with people looking at me and thinking they know who I am with just a glimpse of my body. Get to know me, you'll be surprised.
I'm okay with being afraid of what's to come of my life, who I will be, and what I will become.
I want to be a guy that you remember. The guy that you meet and can't get out of your head. I want you to look into my eyes and feel like you could never look away. I want you to see past my flaws, and see the beauty of that which is to be discovered. I want to find myself through your love. I want to look over in the middle of the night and see you, next to me. But most of all, I want to be able to love you the way you may someday.

My Interests

Coffee. I like coffee. French Press (or Clover) me a cup anytime and we're set for a date.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who wants to travel with me.

I find it necessary to meet the best in my field. But, to this I must say I only want to meet those passionate in my line of work, coffee. I want to meet people who are eager to teach me all that they know and equally meet the people eager to learn and for me to teach them. I want to meet more baristas who are willing to do all it takes to make themselves better and challenge old ideas.

Visit Barista Exchange



CSI, House, Studio 60, Seinfeld,Comedy Central Presents. I like good shows...nothing special...if they're entertaining,....I probably like it...I guess that's the whole point of T.V....


My heroes are people that have influenced me in GREAT ways and helped me become who I am today.

My Best Friend, Courtney- She's helped me soo much through out the years. She makes my life "sooo complicated." But I still love her.

My Best Friend, Matt Colp- Love this guy too! He's shown me a lot with in the time I've known him. He's helped push me to the edge to help myself grow.

Ryan Dickerson- He showed the world exactly how to live, be a better person, and always help others. He will always hold a spot in my heart. RIP Ryan.

My Blog

A Change in Heart...

Well, I hate to do this after posting a blog about how great things were going in Seattle...were.Everything pretty much fell apart today. It's been a reality check and a struggle for most of the day i...
Posted by Just Alex on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:20:00 PST

A Change in Heart...

Well, I hate to do this after posting a blog about how great things were going in Seattle...were.Everything pretty much fell apart today. It's been a reality check and a struggle for most of the day i...
Posted by Just Alex on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:21:00 PST

I cant believe...

. Alot about me has changed in the past 3 months. Seattle has been the best thing to happen to me. It will continue to be the largest catalyst in my life. This blog is to update all of you I've left ...
Posted by Just Alex on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 02:43:00 PST

A Whole Latte Love...

I'm loving Seattle more and more everyday. I'm finally at a bad ass coffee shop and loving every minute of it! I'm getting super awesome training and my coffee knowledge grows everyday. Trabant Coffee...
Posted by Just Alex on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 02:57:00 PST

I often wonder...

how I remain to be virually unsatisfied with my life. I've made huge changes, dropped everything I had and moved my life to Seattle where I'm increasingly growing to love this city. So much of my hear...
Posted by Just Alex on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:35:00 PST

Crossroads and A Pricey Lesson....

Well, before we get into the title of this blog, I wanna kinda type out some stuff that's going on in my life. Seattle is going really great. I'm working at a GREAT hostel and it's a bunch of fun.Host...
Posted by Just Alex on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 02:30:00 PST

So Close...

I'm so close to moving, 12 days to be exact and I'm leaving so much behind in California. Family, Friends, co-workers, and all my materialistic crap that reminds me of them and the memories we've crea...
Posted by Just Alex on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 06:23:00 PST

Im Moving....

The Bad, Good News...I recently made a trip to Seattle (Dec. 28th-Jam 1st) to Seattle.I have decided to move there by the end of the month.For those of you who know me, I'm a professional barista (or ...
Posted by Just Alex on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 01:59:00 PST

The Life I Live is Not the Life You Perceive....

WARNING: This blog will contain clichés, things you might already know about life, and other superfluous thoughts. Any smart ass comments will result in a blunt, "Fuck Off." It's winter time. New Year...
Posted by Just Alex on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 08:00:00 PST


I always thought I wouldn't be afraid of change. I was wrong.   I've made some changes in my life, most which are for the best and were needed. I decided yesterday that I would be withdrawing mys...
Posted by Just Alex on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 04:52:00 PST