Help with breastfeeding, support and encouragement
Mommas, Daddies, Aunties, Uncles, Omas, Opas, Grandpas, Grandmas, Nannas, Nannies, GGs, Nurses, and anyone else who wants to provide the very best little nest for their beloved birdie to nestle into for a meal, a snooze or just to snuggle.
Lullabys, sweet symphonies of baby snores,
pitter patter of toddler feet, birds chirping in
the trees, and other wonderful tunes like that.
A little Thank You note from Heidi Klum. She loves her Zebra Hide Nesting Pillow.
Anything that informs us about truth, benefits, and health reasons for breastfeeding as long as BABY needs it! There is an epidemic of uninformed people out there attacking breastfeeding mothers and those who support them. There is a TON of information on the TRUTH about breastfeeding. There really is no excuse in this day and age to remain ignorant when you have an ocean of information at your fingertips! Below is just a snippet of what needs to be taught nation wide!!!
According to PROFESSIONALS........
A breastfeeding mother does not have to wean her baby from the breast
at one year of age, as she would wean a baby from the bottle. The AAP
recommends breastfeeding for at least one full year or longer. It is recommended that
formula fed babies wean from the bottle at one year because of the risk of baby bottle tooth
decay. Breastfeeding after one year gives a child extra nutritional benefits that will enhance
his health for a lifetime. Breastmilk is not just a nutrition source, but it also promotes health
in the infant by providing needed antibodies to fight germs that make infants and toddlers
Copied word for word from:
Last paragraph on the third page.
There are many unsung heros in this world. Here is a list of some of our favorite charities. Please take a moment or 30 to hop on over to these sites and see if there is something you can do to help!