Everything! Except being stuck at home doing nothing. That sucks!
New and interesting people from all over the country. People from all around the world, actually. Rich people, poor people, tall people, short people - anyone. But especially fun people. I want to expand my horizons, travel, and experience life to the fullest!
Oh, and Mike & Dave from ShutUpRings.com -- they're friggin brilliant!
Click here and Join my group: Alli's Sex Addiction
Anything! Well, except that stuff they play in church. Yuck! If I *never* have to hear that junk again, it'll be too soon.
Comedy, romance, drama, action - whatever. Just nothing scary or educational - I want to be entertained, not frightened or bored.
I don't get to watch much TV. (Boo Hoo)
Aaaaaaaahhhh - Nooooo! Don't make me read. I'll do anything - just don't make me sit and read!!! :-p
People that are out there living life they way they want to - by their own rules - and with no regrets! That'll be me someday!!!