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· Remember that the sun will still rise tomorrow even if I had one too many slices of pizza or an extra scoop of ice cream tonight.
· Never blame my body for the bad day I'm having.
· Stop joining in when my friends compare and trash their own bodies.
· Never allow a dirty look from someone else to influence how I feel about my appearance.
· Quit judging a person solely by how his or her body looks — even if it seems harmless — because I'd never want anyone to do that to me.
· Notice all the amazing things my body is doing for me every moment I walk, talk, think, breathe...
· Quiet that negative little voice in my head when it starts to say mean things about my body that I'd never tolerate anyone else saying about me.
· Remind myself that what you see isn't always what you get on TV and in ads — it takes a lot of airbrushing, dieting, money, and work to look like that.
· Remember that even the girl who I'd swap bodies with in a minute has something about her looks that she hates.
· Respect my body by feeding it well, working up a sweat when it needs it, and knowing when to give it a break.
· Realize that the mirror can reflect only what's on the surface of me, not who I am inside.
· Know that I'm already beautiful just the way I am.
So you want to know about me?♥ Well…my name is Annalyn, and I am 17 years old. I am very RANDOM, and as you can see, I’m starting to get handy with the HTML stuff, which is why my profile is so strange……
.I read a WHOLE LOT! I could live in a library, if only I could eat there! I love writing also. If everything but the necessities were taken away from me, the only things I would need to thrive would be books, pens and paper (and maybe a telescope)……………I LOVE to learn. I am currently unschooling myself. For those unfamiliar with unschooling, it’s a type of self-homeschooling. There are no grades or curriculum. Only learning…… and yes, it is legal….
I'm a very eclectic person, and like a lot of things. I'm a notorious procrastinator, and unfortunately don't usually work well until the very last minute……………I love to stargaze, and think about what is out there. I pretty much love anything that has to do with history. I love adventure, and I really like to explore things and look at tiny details. I ask way too many questions that usually don't have answers. ……………
I talk to myself, and I really have some good conversations. You should try it sometime. Those of you who don't talk to yourself, are only jealous! At least I CAN talk to myself. Yourself doesn't want to listen!…………I love Einstein, he's awesome! Leonardo Da Vinci is my ultimate role model. Mozart is also one of my role models because he actually used his brain, unlike most people today……………
I could name a lot more role models, like Thomas Jefferson and the other founding fathers, and Jesus Christ, etc. But there are just too many……I love archery, and weapons in general. I play piano, violin and I sing. I ADORE acting …..
I love to camp and be outdoors. I love cats and if I got a chance to I'd become an old cat lady. I’m a bit of a daredevil at times….. I want to travel and see the world, and get as many experiences as humanly possible. I want adventure and I won't stop living until I get it darn it! Lol. I plan on living forever, but in the event that my wish doesn't happen, I guess I can take death as another welcome adventure. I also plan on learning everything and knowing everything, but that might take all of eternity……………
I hope to join the peace corps for a year or two before the rest of my life really begins... of course I have to wait till I'm older, and by the time I'm older I'm sure my plans will have changed……………I’m also very passionate about saving the rain forest, and I hope that someday I can make a difference, no matter how small.
I'm really in to conserving our earth. It’s the only earth we have, and it’s up to us to save it, so please read and pass on the next little section……………
* If you throw away 2 aluminum cans, you waste more energy than 1,000,000,000 (one billion) of the world's poorest people use a day
* Making a new can from scratch uses the uses the energy equal to half a can of gasoline* About one third of what an average American throws out is packaging
* More than 1,000,000,000 (one billion) trees are used to make disposable diapers every year* In one minute, 50 acres of rainforest are destroyed.
* Some rain has a pH of 3 or 4. (which is pretty acidic, considering 7 is neutral, not acidic, and battery acid has a pH of 1). Some fish, such as lake trout and smallmouth bass, have trouble reproducing at a pH of 6, which is only slightly acidic. Some clams and snails can't survive at all. Most crayfish are dead at a pH of 5. You can see how bad this is for the environment* On average, a person in the US uses energy two times more than a person in Japan or West Germany does, and 50 times more than a person in India.
* About 90% of the energy used in lighting a standard (incandescent) light bulb is lost as heat * Air conditioning uses 10 times more energy than a fan, therefore, it creates 10 times the pollutants.
* It takes half the output of the Alaskan pipeline to heat the air that escapes from all the homes in the US during a year
* Cars and pick-up trucks are responsible for about 20% of the carbon dioxide released into the air
* There are about 500 million automobiles on the planet, burning an average of 2 gallons of fuel a day. Each gallon releases 20 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air * About 80% of our trash goes to landfills, 10% is incinerated, and 10% is recycled
* Since there is little oxygen underground, where we bury our garbage, to help bacteria eat the garbage, almost nothing happens to it. Scientists have dug into landfills and found ears of corn still intact after 20 years, and newspapers still readable after 30 * The average American makes about 3.5 pounds of trash a day
* In a year, the average American uses as much wood in the form of paper as the average resident of the developing world burns as fuel………………………………………………†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦26 things we can do to help:
Turn off lights...2.
Turn off other electric things, like TVs, stereos, and radios when not in use
Use rechargeable batteries...4.
Do things manually instead of electrically, like open cans by hand

Use fans instead of air conditioners...6.
In winter, wear a sweater instead of turning up your thermostat

Insulate your home so you won't be cold in winter...8.
Use less hot water

Whenever possible, use a bus or subway, or ride your bike or walk...10.
Try to buy organic fruits and vegetables if you're concerned about pesticides. (Organic food is grown without man-made fertilizers and/or pesticides)

Don't waste products made from forest materials...12.
Use recycled paper and/or recycle it. Reuse old papers

Don't buy products that may have been made at the expense of the rainforest...14.
Support products that are harvested from the rain forest but have not cut down trees to get it

Plant trees, espesially if you have cut one down...16.
Get other people to help you in your cause. Make and/or join an organization

Avoid products that are used once, then thrown away...18.
Buy products with little or no packaging

Encourage your grocery store sell environmentally friendly cloth bags for people to use when they shop, or bring your own...20.

Buy recycled products

Don't buy pets taken from the wild...24.
If you have a good zoo nearby, (if the animals are healthy and the zoo takes care of them), support it! Espessially if they help breed endangered animals

Don't buy products if animals were killed to make it...26.
Cut up your six-pack rings before throwing them out.

My Blog

please help me!

Hey people!!! This is an important poll about what you like to read! As many of you know, I love to write, but I need to know what people like to read! Please fill out the answers to the best of your ...
Posted by eeAnnalynee on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 11:01:00 PST

Rainforest conservation!

http://www.rain-tree.com/facts.htmThe Disappearing Rainforests    * We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to appreciate their true value. Rainfore...
Posted by eeAnnalynee on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 02:42:00 PST


My advice to my friends: Wear sunscreen! If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. Just take a gander at some of the 20 and 30 year olds who look 40 or 50 because they...
Posted by eeAnnalynee on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 08:44:00 PST


It's me again!You know what I hate, is watching your friends lives fall apart, and of their own doing. One minute they're good kids, the next they have tattoo's and body piercing's, they do drugs and ...
Posted by eeAnnalynee on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 08:07:00 PST

Just think about it...

Hello my friends, I've been troubled lately. Mostly by the world's ignorance, and partly by the great sorrows we cause for ourselves. I've been pondering what we can do differently, and how we can mak...
Posted by eeAnnalynee on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 06:33:00 PST