Seven Car Pileup profile picture

Seven Car Pileup

daytime music for nighttime people

About Me

We're a rock band who plays in a Cardboard Nation Arrive to a Seven Car Pileup show a musical bystander, and you leave as a fan. Whether because of their sticky lyrics or entertaining stage presence, you are now drawn into the never-label-us-as-we-keep-daring sideshow that is Chandler, Arizona musical group Seven Car Pileup. At a time when the world is getting smaller and everyone can try to make music, this cozy 3-some embodies cutting-edge musicianship and marketable indie cred.

Our Next Show

5/31/08 - 9:30am - Sundance’s Place
116 N Montezuma St, Prescott, AZ 86301

My Interests


Member Since: 1/12/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Mr. Mark Mason is responsible for several sound waves at and above 77.782 Hz produced on electrophonic and natural chordophones, and all articulated breath pitch controlled neck noises 130.81 Hz to 698.46 Hz (on a good day).

Mr. Jess Pruitt is responsible for several sound waves at and above 38.891 Hz produced on electrophonic and natural chordophones

Mr. Michael Vigil is responsible for all rhythmically beaten membranophones and idiophones

Mr. Manny Vigil is responsible for rhythmic eye visual electromagnetic radiation pulses and sweeps

Mr. Joshua Tucker is occasionally responsible for tweaking and changing sound in it's electric stage by twiddling knobs, pushing buttons, and plugging in and adjusting microphones.

Ms. Meg Marcus's articulated background breath pitch controlled neck noises, 440 hz to 775 hz, are heard on the song Last Christmas.

Mark Mason ® The Human Race 1981, Jess Pruitt ® 1984, Michael Vigil ® 1987, Manny Vigil ® 1985, Megan Marcus ® 1985
unauthorized use is a direct violation of applicable laws and other such nonsense

Seven Car Pileup is managed by La Ruche. artist management. For booking information please contact Alisha Forrester Scott at [email protected] or visiting
Influences: The Clash, Red Hot Chili Peppers, James Brown, The Smashing Pumpkins, Soundgarden, The Police, Led Zeppelin, Cake, Marvin Gaye, Weather Report, John Coltrane, Sly and the Family Stone, Miles Davis, Queens of the Stoneage, The Velvet Underground, Incubus, Jesus, The Shins, Primus, Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix, Uncle Tupelo, The Stooges, The White Stripes, U2, Echo and the Bunnymen
Sounds Like: bones cracking, and souls rattling
Record Label: currently unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Redemption Single

We have completed our first collection of recorded music for your consumption. This extended play single contains 4 songs, which will only be available on this single: Redemption - Our most popular so...
Posted by Seven Car Pileup on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 12:50:00 PST

The Phix Show

We're playing on April 19th at the Phix. This show is pretty important to us. It's the first show we put on ourselves, and all the bands we have involved are ones we've personaly selected. I hope you'...
Posted by Seven Car Pileup on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:46:00 PST

A Blog From the Vocal Booth, by Mark

I’m so stinking excited for this album. This stink of excitment is rich and luxurious, and hopefully soon you’ll all be able to smell it. I just completed main vocals for our barn burner T...
Posted by Seven Car Pileup on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:16:00 PST

Mark Writes | Theyll Eat Our Hearts Out, Well Watch and Write Songs

So, we've been preparing for our first ever acoustic show. It's been quite a learning experience. Jess will be playing his beautiful stand-up bass, so he got himself a nice new little pick-up for it. ...
Posted by Seven Car Pileup on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 02:55:00 PST

If I threw my guitar out the window (by Mike)

This blog is a testament to Mark's perfectionist attitude. He will use that to make our new record the best thing we've ever recorded. Here's a "list" of just the electric guitars that will make an ap...
Posted by Seven Car Pileup on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 10:13:00 PST

This Blog is Brought to You by the Gibson Corporation of America

Last night we recorded guitar tracks. I want to be honest, It was stupendously enjoyable. I forgot how much fun it is, it's been so long. We have 6 different microphones on my white custom cabinet rig...
Posted by Seven Car Pileup on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 10:42:00 PST

State of the Band

IntroductionI thought I would take a few moments to let everybody know what is going on with our band as of late. Kind of like how the president of our nation spends time to inform of us his political...
Posted by Seven Car Pileup on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 11:44:00 PST

07: Learning To Kick the The Machines Butts

The year is almost over, and we're looking forward intently to what 08 has to bring. A year of new starts, first albums, first tours, and conceivably the beginning of something wonderful. In a year or...
Posted by Seven Car Pileup on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 09:40:00 PST

Last Christmas (I Want You) : Video Now Up

You Tube? I Tube? We All Tube!!Go here and watch our new video. We all hope this is just one of many to come.BTW you get funny results when typing in Seven Car Pileup and Wham in google. I want to pre...
Posted by Seven Car Pileup on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 08:05:00 PST

We Could Use your Help

My band released a free Christmas song this year. We spent a good amount of time on it, and we think it's pretty nifty. It features vocals from our manager friend Meg Marcus, a nice little bass l...
Posted by Seven Car Pileup on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 09:31:00 PST