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Created by my friend Joe
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I can't imagine life without my iPod. Live music moves my soul.
After Midnight Project
Black Crowes
Depeche Mode
Foo Fighters
Nine Inch Nails
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Seven Car Pileup
Danny Elfman is a God!
I love movies. There are really too many movies I love to list them all...but a small selection would include: Almost Famous, Amadaus, Chasing Amy, Chicago, Clerks, Clerks 2, Dogfight, Dogma, Empire Records, Harry Potter, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Lord of the Rings Trillogy, Mallrats, MirrorMask, Moulin Rouge, Office Space, Permanent Record, Practical Magic, Princess Bride, Serenity, The Original Star Wars Trillogy
You can see a complete list of all the DVDs I own here .
Battlestar Galactica, Dead Like Me, Firefly, Greg The Bunny, Hell's Kitchen, Heroes, Lost , Red Dwarf, The Tick , Tripping the Rift
Harry Potter Series, The Hobit, The Liquor series, Lord of the Rings Trillogy, Lost Souls?
My Mom, Toad, Sherrie Roach Warren Myers, Our Soldiers , Fire Fighters