I have more interests than I can easily name here. I love to read, cook, play games, dance, DJ, and lots more.
If I don't know you and you don't have enough guts to send me a message, don't expect me to add you to my friends. Even then, don't expect me to add you to my friends list...unless you can make a good impression on me. If you like drama, want to live your life like you're in highschool forever, don't waste my time trying to be my friend. I'm on this thing to help me keep in touch with friends, not to see how many random people will accept a request to pretend I'm their friend. I DO NOT want to meet "aspiring musicians" whose music is shit. If you can't get your music decently mastered, adjust your levels properly, write decent lyrics, and/or play at least semi-original melodies then don't even waste the few minutes of my time trying to get me to listen to your crap. On the other hand, if you have decent electronic (goth/industrial genres, preferably) music, please DO take up some of my time (still don't expect me to add you if you don't send me a damn message though).
If I tried to list every band I enjoy, I'd be here for hours. Suffice to say I normally listen to electro/industrial...no, I'm not going to bother listing all the subdivisions of that. I also enjoy classic rock, classical, 80s, and just about everything except newer country music (stuff that was recorded after the 60s) and most rap/hip-hop. Music is one of my true passions, which means I don't limit myself much.
Mostly serious movies. Primarily sci-fi, thriller/horror types, and dramatic films. Dune, The Last Emperor, Amadeus, Event Horizon, The Deer Hunter, and lots more.
I'm not a big fan of TV. I'd say there are maybe a dozen stations I might watch from the 100+ I have with digital cable. I'd prefer to play computer games or go out dancing than sit at home and watch TV. Hell, even going to see a movie is higher on my list since there're no commercials.
I have an eclectic collection. Everything from fantasy/sci-fi to philosophy. You can find Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms sitting next to the Marquis De Sade and 21 Lessons of Merlin. Those are next to the Dune chronicles, right above Voltaire, Jung, and Socrates which are next to Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking. Is that a good enough selection to confuse you?
None. I don't believe in having "heroes" for myself. There are people I respect, but no one that I "look up to" with the attitude that they are better than I am and I should strive to be like them. I'd rather just worry about being who I am.