The Dark Lord profile picture

The Dark Lord

Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy.

About Me

Too young to listen, too old to care...

My Interests

LHP Occultism, Chao-Gnosis, Seiðr, Mithraism, Religious History and Heresy, Lycanthropy, Esoterrorism, Vril, Hollow Earth Theory, Fortean Science, Survivalism, Culture and Tradition. Also Gaming, Record Collecting, Herpetology, Geocaching, Absinthe, Photography, SciFi and Horror, FanFic.

I'd like to meet:

Quality over Quantity

Victim Profiles
I Have Collected 97 Heads.









El Kapitan!



Robin Graves





Katie Hepcat

Little Patrick



View The Crime Scene


Black Metal/Death Metal

Abomino Aetas, Arkha Sva, Arkona , Baptism, Black Witchery , Coldworld , Darkspace , Deathspell Omega , Dimhymn, Forgotten Tomb , Goatmoon, Horna , Infernal War , Khold , Kriegsmaschine, Kroda , Matricide, Myrkr, Ondskapt , Paysage d'Hiver , Peste Noire , Revenge , Satanic Warmaster , Secrets of the Moon , Sombre Chemin , Toxic Holocaust , Tsjuder , Watain , Wedard


45 Grave , All Gone Dead , Bloody Dead And Sexy , Cinema Strange , Dead Souls Rising , Din[A]Tod , Eat Your Make-Up , Il Giardino Violetto, Lacrima Necromanzia , Scarlet's Remains , Sopor Aeternus , Strange Dolls Cult , Tragic Black , UK Decay , Untoten , Violet Stigmata , Zadera

Doom Metal/Drone/Post Rock

Boris , Capricorns , Corrupted , Earth , Eyehategod , Grief , Jucifer , Mono , Moss , Mouth of the Architect , Red Sparowes , Reverend Bizarre , Saint Vitus , Sunn O))) , Taint , Trouble , Unearthly Trance , Worship, Wreck of the Hesperus


Acylum , Blutzukker , Centhron , Die Sektor , Distorted Memory , FGFC820 , Grandchaos , Haus Arafna , Heimataerde , Hioctan , Klaustrophobik , Life Cried , Noisuf-X , Obszon Geschopf , Painslut , Psychonaut75 , Schattenschlag , Shnarph! , Supreme Court , Tamtrum , UbErByTe , UnterART , Virtual Embrace , Wynardtage , Zombie Girl

Horror Punk/Psychobilly/Rockabilly

Blitzkid , Calabrese , Demented Are Go , Horrorpops , Hotrod Deluxe , Mad Sin , Messer Chups , Rezurex , Tex & The Horseheads , Th' Legendary Shack Shakers , The Creepshow , The Hatchet Wounds , The Other , The Spookshow , Tiger Army , Zombie Ghost Train


Arditi, Blood Axis , Death In June , Der Blutharsch , Dernière Volonté , Graumahd , IANVA , Karjalan Sissit , Leger Des Heils, Operation Julmond, ROME , Stahlwerk9 , Sturmpercht , The Soil Bleeds Black , Toroidh, Triarii , Varunna, Wappenbund, Werkraum


European Horror / Giallo / Exploitation movies from the late 70's and early 80's ; Japanese Anime and Chambara ; Korean and Chinese Fantasy / Martial Arts / Gangster films; Ealing Comedies , Film Noir, Burlesque / Tease / Cheesecake.


American Dad, Black Adder, BtVS, Danger! 50,000 Volts!, Dexter, Dr. Who, Farscape, Heroes, Jeeves and Wooster, Jericho, Masters of Horror, Pinky & The Brain, Primeval, Survivors , The Dresden Files, The Trap Door , Veronica Mars


Charles Baudelaire, Algernon Blackwood, Gabriele D'Annunzio, H.H. Ewers, H.P. Lovecraft, Arthur Machen, Guy de Maupassant, Clark Ashton Smith and some P.G. Wodehouse for a little light relief. Plus a few contemporary writers like Poppy Z. Brite, Susanna Clarke, Jasper Fforde, Mark Gatiss and Tom Holt.


Gabrielle D'Annunzio, T.E. Lawrence, Pentti Linkola


My Blog

Murdered in the name of

It took over a hundred men to kill one helpless woman, all in the name of so-called "honour"...The murderers included members of the girl's family, angry over her relationship with a Sunni manCaution!...
Posted by The Dark Lord on Sat, 05 May 2007 08:42:00 PST

Teenage Mutant Hardcore Turtles

Posted by The Dark Lord on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:11:00 PST

Just Another Mother Murdered

06/10/06Gunning Down Itemad Ismail Abu Mo'ammarBy ALISON WEIRAlmost no one bothered to report it. A search of the nation's largest newspapers turned up nothing in USA Today, the Boston Globe, Boston H...
Posted by The Dark Lord on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:49:00 PST

Absinthe Cocktails

DJ GlennPsychosis was asking for Absinthe concoctions, and I thought I'd post a list of cocktails using the little green fairy...Absinthe Sour1/4 Absinthe3/4 lemon juice1/2 table sugarGlass: CocktailM...
Posted by The Dark Lord on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 02:29:00 PST

Metal Explained...

[found online]HEAVY METALThe protagonist arrives on a harley, kills the dragon, drinks a few beers and fucks the princess.POWER METALThe protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from the dr...
Posted by The Dark Lord on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 04:54:00 PST