Nikki *Pink Cheeks* profile picture

Nikki *Pink Cheeks*

Today's Lesson: Maturity: Not just for Savings Bonds!

About Me

I started school again!! Yay SAC! Very exciting :)

I think I'm funny. And I shouldn't care that you don't think I'm funny but I do.

New job! Again! But I love this one the mostest.

I live in Orange County CA. I was born here but I've been back for a little over 5 years, after about 8 years on and off in Yreka CA, where I went to high school and made the best friends of my life. I live on my own in a one bedroom house, and my rent is higher then 90% of the populations mortgage. I love my little house.I work... well yeah. I work. A lot. And that suits me just fine. 9 hour days, on salary? Perfect! And my office... is bigger then my living room and has no windows. But! I can paint it any color I want! Sweet!Other then that, I'm normal. Trying to balance work and friends. There's nothing more important to me then family.I still LOVE LOVE derby and miss it like crazy. Support your local rollergirl!!

My Interests

Sleeping. Eating. Sex. In no particular order.I really love to shower too. Right now I'm addicted to Bath and Body Works Warm Vanilla Sugar Moisturizing shampoo and Fresh Grapefruit Volumizing conditioner. It kind of makes my hair smell like a creamsicle.

I'd like to meet:

Ryan Reynolds, Chris Noth, Heidi Fleis, and that FOX on Grey's Anatomy who played Denny. Upon further research, his name is Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I'd love to meet Eddie Izzard again but under very different circumstances ;)

Oh and PS... my page was pimped by BOOGIE!

Oh GOD I love it when you talk dirty to me...


Get your own Flash MP3 Player


Never Been Kissed, You've Got Mail, Princess Diary's, Serendipity, Just Friends, Waiting, Ever After, The Thomas Crowne Affair, Jackass, Wedding Crashers, Just Like Heaven, Jeux L'enfants, etc. Do you see a trend here!?


Oh, HANDS DOWN Grey's Anatomy. I'm addicted.Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Desperate Housewives, Weeds, Dexter, and House are all really good too, I try not to miss new episodes. Then again, Sex and the City is the best show of all time.


Sleepers was so good. I'm kinda digging on Chuck Palanuk (sp?) right now, but the man is seriously nuts. It's pretty superficial, but I'll read anything that comes out of JK Rowling or Dan Brown. I also love chic-lit... sorry.


My Daddy will always be my hero.

My Blog

Because I’m awesome!

Not really though. A few updates... Got a new car. My 2007 charcoal mustang is GORGEOUS. And I've only smoked in it 3 times! Ross, Chris AND Stud Muffin took it to the casino and NO stains or bu...
Posted by Nikki *Pink Cheeks* on Thu, 08 May 2008 07:42:00 PST

FUCK. Im bored.

I don't even know what to write here right now (Right here, right no-o-o-ow)   I feel like blogging for the sake of blogging is inane. Here's the thing. I'm bored. I'm stuck (not really stuck) ...
Posted by Nikki *Pink Cheeks* on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 05:51:00 PST

Days like this...

Why am I feeling so boy crazy lately? I quit smoking (mostly) and wear the patch even though it burns and leaves my skin all sticky. It's been a week tomorrow. McDondalds is gross. Late night talks...
Posted by Nikki *Pink Cheeks* on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 09:31:00 PST

Reunited and it feels SO GOOD...

Finally! Fuckin hell, I haven't had internet at home in a while. I'm sitting here thinking- this is nice. I was booted from the net from work so now I can keep up with the derby board again! Woo hoo! ...
Posted by Nikki *Pink Cheeks* on Wed, 23 May 2007 06:43:00 PST

One more about the bout this Saturday... I am so fucking excited about this...

Have you ever wanted to be on national TV?? MTV is filming our match against the Angel City Derby Girls~ LOOK HOT GENTLEMEN because not only could you be filmed at the bout, but you could win a date w...
Posted by Nikki *Pink Cheeks* on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:38:00 PST

MTV Casting... Yet another reason to come to the bout!

We need a few good men... thought I would throw this on a blog. *This is for men who attend the bout! If you're not attending (but going to audition), buy a damn ticket anyways and support your ...
Posted by Nikki *Pink Cheeks* on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:04:00 PST

So what are you doing St. Patty's Day?

We're kicking some ACDG ass!! Then we're gonna get our drink on. Good times :)I have tickets for sale, and you can buy them online as well at for $12, or y...
Posted by Nikki *Pink Cheeks* on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 02:42:00 PST

GARAGE SALE 3-3-07 7am to 2pm Santa Ana 92706

I'm finally gonna do it! After 3 and 1/2 years of accumulating junk, I've decided to put a garage sale together. For a few weeks now, I have been going through my stuff, and am fully prepared to ...
Posted by Nikki *Pink Cheeks* on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:42:00 PST

This fucking thing...

Can somebody tell me how to post the fucking picture!!! It's driving me nuts... everytime I try to copy the image file I uploaded it only shows the html text. I keep checking yahoo answers and t...
Posted by Nikki *Pink Cheeks* on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 12:01:00 PST


I'm feeling funny today. Not like funny ha ha but like funny have to get the fuck out of dodge.   There's something wrong with me... why do I need to start trouble when there's none to be had? I...
Posted by Nikki *Pink Cheeks* on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 01:23:00 PST