Joanne Merriam profile picture

Joanne Merriam meet a guy, relinquish a tiny bit of control, and the next thing you know, you're eating a di

About Me

If you don't know me, don't ask me to be your friend. I get my random stranger quotient filled over at livejournal.I'm not here very often... but myspace helpfully (usually) sends me email when y'all leave notes, so feel free to do so. If it's time-sensitive, you're better off emailing or calling me. If you're going to get offended if I don't reply, you're better off emailing or calling me.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the people who came up with this slapdash user interface, so I can school them.


Perhaps you'd like to read my poetry book, The Glaze from Breaking (Stride, 2005). You can read excerpts here, and you can order it through or directly from me .