LAUREN profile picture


yeah- i'll call you and we can poop on goats

About Me

Hola! I'm Lauren. College dropout twice around; single right now- just trying to focus on work and figure out my life. Everything I hate is below, but it's not meant to be somber or anything- it just shows who I am.
How much do I rock?
I hate people who try to be something they arent. I hate that all my friends from high school have forgotten about me. I hate people who lower their standards or expectations for someone else. I hate ignorance. I hate incompetance. I hate people who won't be themselves because they are afraid of what other people will think. I hate abortion. I hate republicans. (haha THAT really makes sense.) I hate country music. I hate people who make fun of the way I talk. I hate people who dont speak up or give their opinions. I hate feeling stupid. I hate going to class when its nice out. I hate going to class when it's cold out. I hate going to class. I hate having a "hot" sister. I hate beef. I hate having to share a room with some chick I dont even know. I hate when my friends die. I hate feeling like I dont belong anywhere I go. I hate people who stare at me because of how I dress. I hate people who tell me that I'm short. I hate people who make me feel inferior to them. I hate being told what to do. I hate not being able to live my life to the fullest because of money restrictions. I hate being in debt. I hate lying to my parents about my tattoos. I hate people telling me that my hair should be brown, not black or blue. I hate jobs. I hate Wisconsin. I hate everyone I went to high school with. I hate Hilary Duff. I hate not having any real friends. I hate eyelashes. I hate eating disorders. I hate not feeling loved. I hate the thoughts in my head. I hate people judging me before they know me. I hate that I'm hated. I hate big dogs. I hate small, vicious dogs. I hate having to pay to go to the gym. I hate people who expect too much from me. I hate eating at Debot. I hate that God hates me. I hate romantic movies that make me feel bad about myself. I hate that I always feel bad about myself. I hate that everyone I've ever loved hasn't loved me back.
"I love informality. I hate dressing up. I hate to be conventional - and I hate every kind of snob." -Orson Welles
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My Interests

I like: music, thunderstorms, walking in the rain, laughing with my girls, theater, Orson Welles, art, cola, singing, books, poetry, black, smoking, sourkraut, skunk smell, conan o'brien, people who make me laugh, drawing, music and people who move me, italian and japanese food, longboarding, meeting new people, watching movies, dancing naked in my room, wearing fun hats, gaining new perspective, recalling good memories, bonfires, spending money on people (if i have it!), belting musicals, boys in pink shirts, boys in black shirts, feeling loved/safe, making people smile, cheese, having my day planned out to the last second, making an ass out of myself, just being me.

I'd like to meet:


but thats just dreaming..... the people who REALLY matter to me are below. but I'd like to meet... Fun people who love music and having a good time..
and all the bands listed to the right.
AND shaun white because he's super dreamy.. i have a thing for redheads. especially those who can skate. : )


the academy is...
all american rejects
alanis morrisette
andy camann
the arcade fire
ashlee simpson
autopilot off
avril lavigne
the beatles
blink 182
coheed and cambria
dashboard confessional
frou frou
the flaming lips
the format
five iron frenzy
good charlotte
gavin degraw
green day
hawthorne heights
hidden in plain view
hot hot heat
jack's mannequin
jimmy eat world
the killers
lucky boys confusion
less than jake
the last five years
linkin park
the mars volta
motion city soundtrack
modest mouse
matchbox 20
my chemical romance
norah jones
nine inch nails
no doubt
new found glory
panic! at the disco
the postal service
the red jumpsuit apparatus
rufus wainwright
reel big fish
something corporate
the smashing pumpkins
songs for a new world
snow patrol
saves the day
the starting line
the used
vanessa carlton
wolf parade


Everything is Illuminated, A Clockwork Orange, Team America World Police (brilliant-- really. "he died of aiiiids!") Citizen Kane, Ben Hur, Zoolander, Napolean Dynamite, American Beauty, The Princess Bride, Army of Darkness, Super Troopers, Van Wilder, Dogma, Sixteen Candles, The Medium (okay, its an opera.. but there's a movie version, too!)


Futurama, The Venture Brothers, Gilmore Girls, Dead Like Me, CSI, King of the Hill


My dream is to someday stumble apon-- or open-- a 24 hour library. I love books. I'm the person who's head is always buried in a book. I like anything by David Sedaris or Nicholas Sparks, and I love Harry Potter and all the classics.. Tom Sawyer, Les Mis, Animal Farm, etc.. A Clockwork Orange and The Bell Jar are my favorites. The book store lady knows me by name. I know, it's sad.


Orson Welles, Idina Menzel, Andy McMahon, Gerard Way.. and of course.. my sisters

My Blog

burnt out!

I'm not even in college anymore and I'm still so emotionally burnt out!  Ahh!!  When will this end!!???!!!
Posted by LAUREN on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:25:00 PST

random 2am rantings

Im sitting here in a place and I feel like im stuck. Stuck in a sense that its 2am and I have an audition tomorrow which will ultimately decide my future as a potential choir teacher or not.  I f...
Posted by LAUREN on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 12:17:00 PST

friday night: 11PM

I realized this evening that I haven't written a blog in a while.  Or written anything for that matter.  So here I sit.. friday night: 11pm.... blogging.  I'm not sure that anything I h...
Posted by LAUREN on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 09:43:00 PST

new shit from a cynical mind

All of a sudden, I feel so numb Like this wave of sickness is sweeping over me - so strong I cant feel anything I cant shed a tear As hard as I try and as sad as everything may seem The tears dance be...
Posted by LAUREN on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 10:40:00 PST

tough choices.

mychemicalromance OR greenday/jimmyeatworld? both same day.. both kick ass bands... what should i do?? decisions, decisions.
Posted by LAUREN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

warped tour '05

I typed this in my live journal and just copied and pasted the part about warped tour- so sorry it kinda picks up out of nowhere. If you want more details about bands, just give me a "holler" and i'll...
Posted by LAUREN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

inner child

The other day when I was eating watermelon off the rind and walking barefoot through my garden with the juice running down my face I realized that I really enjoy the simple things in life.  Sun o...
Posted by LAUREN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Ariel by Sylvia Plath Stasis in darkness. Then the substanceless blue Pour of tor and distances. God's lioness, How one we grow, Pivot of heels and knees! -- The furrow Splits and passe...
Posted by LAUREN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Random Music Survey

Alphabetical Arrangement Five CDs You Just Heard For The First Time (And a Rating): 01. Copeland- In Motion[A] 02. Hidden In Plain View- Life In Dreaming[B] 03. Keane- Hopes and Fears [A ] 04. ...
Posted by LAUREN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my live journal

Just want to let you know that I dont post shit on here.. if you want to read about me ask me about my live journal and I will give you some direction.
Posted by LAUREN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST