evolution of creativity in every form,bizaar art, learning,expeditions,the silver screen,brass bells,horror films,storyhour,creature sculptures, astrology,inkblots,collections,books,graveyards,theory,facts ,night time,swing sets,history,scavenger hunts,elephants,my memory,fantastic hygene,visual inspiration,records,20's,30's,40's vintage.------------------------
*funny women/ *funny dudes/ *fellow artists who are interested in having gallery parties/ *people who think outside of the box/ *the non superficial/ *people who need a hairdresser ( i cut,color,style and i would also love to watch your hair grow..but thats extra $) *well balanced people/ *sarcastic people/ *people who arent easily shocked/ *non macho sexists/ *truth tellers/ *tattoo artists/ *good people/ *bill murray/god is always trying to get me drunk
the national blue,jeff buckley,DRAB,echo and the bunnymen,the kinks,juliana hatfield,marilyn manson,the stooges,built to spill,janesaddiction,appleseedcast,lightning bolt,throwing muses,guided by voices,the misfits,the mars volta,joy division,faraquet,quicksand,the pixies,jesus lizard,bauhaus, xiu xiu,coheed and cambria,the creatures,pj harvey,silkworm,mahi mahi,jettison charlie,DENIMVENOM,oxes,tears for fears,depeche mode,cats with hands,deathcab for cutie,Q and not you,engine down,camera obscura,mineral,dig,the cure,mazzy star,sonic youth,sunny day real estate,walks on the beach,oxes,the amps,sleepytimegorillamuseum,my bloody valentine,american football,breeders,hum,the who,talking heads,liz phair,veruca salt,peter murphy, nirvana,rape man,big black,shellac--all steve albini-----------------------i prefer falling asleep to black metal
the wizard of oz,nosferatu,say anything,royal tennenbaums,squid and the whale, igby goes down,IT,pulp fiction,party monster----------------------------------------------------- --------------------i have a tom hanks movie collection
i watch very uncable thingsthe twilight zone/tales from the darkside/seinfeld/the state
"By example of human history, both ancient and modern, an individual who seeks out knowledge beyond the level of his peers often becomes depressed. In many ways, as intelligence, wisdom, and understanding rise, it almost can push us towards a bleaker outlook of society"
domenick panzarellalouise brooks