The Pineal gland
The 3rd eye wide,music headz,trailblazers,urban shaman,narrow path walkers,leaders,the noble,avante garde creationists as well the many warriors past,present or future who have given or dedicated they're lives in pursuit of TRUTH about themselves,this world and the world hereafter may we one day find ourselves united beneath the same divine light that connects ALLOVE it (((namaste)))
.. Dub,tru-hiphop,classic rock, classic jazz,raw funk,bossa nova,tango,samba,roots,delta blues,salsa,afro cuban,afro funk,(some)electronica,classical(stravinsky,mozart,debussy,c hopin,tchaicovsky,korsokov )those composers with a feel for the dramatic and epic and (in general) anything that's raw,progressive and inspiring in these uninspired musical times..
<1t2P02U82MF3ky8= target="_blank"> Essential viewing!!...You can almost taste brazil through this film..
Boob Tubeless.
.. Hughes,Rimbaud,Poe,Baudelaire,Gibran,Buddha,Hermes Trimestigus,Jung,Eliade,Whitman, Castaneda, Joseph Campbell,Hesse,Blavatsky,Capra,Sun Tzu,Kafka,Asimov,Pythagoras,Dr.suess,Icke,Swami Vivekanada,Manly P. Hall,Rumi,Plato,Leary,Lao Tzu, Napoleon hill,Thoth the Originator and the many other great minds from which i've built an ark of philosophy that aids me as i sail peacefully across the waters of this and the infinite dynamics of "reality" <> or so called..