I'd like to meet:
Hosted By SparkleTags.comFriends, Family and few new interesting people. I enjoy meeting new people and hopefully I can make some new friends and possibly reconnect with some old ones.
I enjoy a wide variety of music. I love listening to Dark side of the Moon by Pink Floyd in SACD. by far that is the best way to listen to it. I can't say as I have a favrite band. But The latest concert we went to was Peter Frampton and Foriegner in September.
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snow fight
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i enjoy Sylvia Browne Books.
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Heroes are few and far between.
Jesus Christ is the greatest hero. I concider my Dad my hero and a hero.
Any one that would rescue a horse from slaughter is a hero.
I dedicate this myspace page to my heroes Leisa & Mark and their rescue horse JIMMY & her filly JR who made me
aware of this national disgrace And to anyone else that has made a stand and rescued a horse.
This last video is Leisa's video Title:Where are you now?
Author: fourkidsfarm
My hope is that someday this horrific travesty will end.
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