Welcome to my page. I am a self taught (if there really is such a thing) musician/producer/sound engineer. I play guitar, bass, piano, keyboards, and drums, as well as, sing and write my own material (I am the author and copyright holder of all of the songs on this page, as well as, of the songs on my other page: myspace.com/sonicflyingmachine. I played all of the instruments and sang all of the vocals on these tracks. Also, I produced, engineered, mixed, and mastered all of these recordings myself.I recorded these songs onto Cubase 4 and mastered them with Wavelab 6. I hope you enjoy these tracks and I greatly welcome your comments on them. I am also looking to put a band together so if you're interested in my music and would like to know more about me, drop me a line. Also, I plan on building a professional studio soon and am very interested in collaborating with other musicians and recording other acts. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you again for dropping by.
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