Firu - Project 2501 (PIP) profile picture

Firu - Project 2501 (PIP)

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About Me

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This is what the name "Philip" looks like in Japanese:
It is pronounced "FIRIPPU". (Consonants are pronounced more or less the same way as in English. "I" sounds like ee in meet, but shorter. "U" sounds like oo in hook, but with less rounding of the lips.)
Hey i'm Phil ;D Basically i'm a guitarist,i love music and pretty much all things related to it.I'm also a huge fan of manga and anime,especially the series Gundam Wing.I love my friends and family as much as my heart will allow and would happily sacrifice anything for them,if there's anything I hate it's people who try to take advantage of that.
Which Gundam from Gundam SEED: Destiny suits you?
Freedom is for you! You like to quickly disable not to kill your opponent using any of your many weapons!
Your attacks are always very accurate and devastanting when attacking, either, from near or far away! You fight for that what you believe in and for the sake of the ones you protect.
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You scored as dark. congradulatins!!! You are dark anime and thats super awsome.



tough anime


dreammy/depressed anime


happy anime


loving anime

what's your anime style
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My Interests

Like I said,guitars-music in general and manga. Sex is obviously one of my preffered past times,but it's not something i've been doing a great deal lately...oh well!

I'd like to meet:

Jimmy Page (Zoso),Nigella Lawson (yum!) and Alec Guinness (Obi Wan, your our only hope!).Other than that any musicians with any cool ideas are always welcome


.. MySpace Comments Graphics .. LED ZEPPELIN!!!,metallica,incubus,tool,3 colours red,a perfect circle,children of bodom,flickerstick,foo fighters,dream theater,coheed and cambria,soulfly,kelly joe phelps,backyard babies,audioslave,pearl jam,sonic youth,pantera,ben harper,manic street preachers,cult,the cure,my morning jacket,hundred reasons,alter bridge(but not creed!),rory gallagher,john mellencamp...the list is endless
A load of J-Rock/Pop bands too: uverworld,polysics,l'arc en ciel,the brilliant green,dir en grey,ancafe,nami tamaki,t.m.revolution,high and mighty colour,mika arisaka,orange range,x-japan,MUCC,duel jewel,miyavi,vidoll,galneryus,alice nine


Transformers! Transformers! Transformers! Snakes on a plane! all the pixar movies,and Almost Famous has gotta be one of my favourite films...did i mention TRANSFORMERS!!!


That 70s show is one of my favourites other than that I mostly just watch dvds. Again I love anime-so I guess i'd have to say that gundam wing is my favourite T.V. show.Also Death Note,Bleach,Devil may Cry and more recently Full Metal Alchemist. This little show also rocks ...oh yeah and invader zim!



H.G. Wells is my favorite author he's amazing so anything written by him. I also love the LOTR trilogy =)


Jimmy Page,Richie Manic,Kirk Hammet,Rory Gallagher,Steph from Scruffy's

My Blog

tagged! (7 random facts/habits)

Each player starts with seven random fact/habits about themselves. People who get tagged need to write their own blog about their seven things as well as post these rules. At the end of your blog, you...
Posted by Firu - Project 2501 (PIP) on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 03:23:00 PST

helluva housewarming!

Posted by Firu - Project 2501 (PIP) on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 10:13:00 PST

pip's tips *2:BBQ & J-POP

DON'T BOTHER!!! why is it that when the weather's nice people decide "i know i'm gonna burn some meat!" you've got a kitchen right there just cook your food and eat it in the garden it's exactly the s...
Posted by Firu - Project 2501 (PIP) on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 11:43:00 PST

pip's tips *1: cooking

char-grilled broccoli = vomitthat's the last time i listen to ready,steady,cook! i trusted you ainsley and this is how you repay me?! you bastard!
Posted by Firu - Project 2501 (PIP) on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 02:10:00 PST

the best fucking night ever!!!

it may have only been a fifteen minute set in a pub in hockley,but the gig I played last night shot a buzz through me unlike anything i've ever felt before.any fears and doubts I had just dissappeared...
Posted by Firu - Project 2501 (PIP) on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 04:31:00 PST

death to the academy!!!

"this is the halloween party of the year!" WHAT?! try the twatfest of the century and you'd be closer! other than the friends i had gone with i spoke to precisely one other person who i could have any...
Posted by Firu - Project 2501 (PIP) on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 01:49:00 PST