About Me
Shit, have u ever type something long n apparently interesting,so even u liked that ,n it just bizarrely disappear, well it just happened with me...U know,I've noticed one thing(specifically here),that everyone writing a lot about themselves and other certain interests,so in this occasion I'll submit to pack of the group...I am that kinda guy,that have so many interests,so it useless to mention any of them,except of one,which keeps me still alive n relatively makes my life more exciting- MUSIC.
I'm really spontaneous, kind of person,which seek new adventures,quite endowment in many aspects,pure introvert(that makes me seek),but still really friendly. I love my friends,I don't have many of them,but u don't need to...I hate material people,and that kind of people,that think money rule z world,n every day looking how to multiply their capital or to get some erection...They 'r just brain masturbatory...I'm just fascinated by Placebo, Muse and Nirvana,I'm just sorry 4 Kurt,who's been MURDERED...Cut myself on angels hair and baby's breath!!!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Ifihad made my custom Myspace Contact Table
My Blog
Death,redemtion and my enlightment...
So,where should I start...don't want to write much,will c how it goes...In the recent time ive felt quite depressfull,quite often showed my tanrum temper,just thought,whats fucking wrong with me?!Didn...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 13:39:00 GMT
Haven't wrote anything for too long,but i guess its another light strike,enlightment. This is the end,the end my little friend. I was teasing this holy idea, that I can have normal band for too long, ...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 13:44:00 GMT
Hmmm...Havent been written anyting for too long...i thing its time to fill blank page in my life,my consideration,brief contemplation about myself n the world ,that traps me,part of society,just a lit...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 11:13:00 GMT
Placebo gig!
Hej,so it was Sunday...I woke up early,didnt have much of sleep,just had some nap n straight to work...I dont wanna talk about zis shity ,crapy place...They let me go earlier,cause of z gig...I didnt ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 15:30:00 GMT