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I not late...I stay on Hawaiian time!!!

About Me

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My name is Kristie, I currently live in Utah. I was born and raised In Hawaii. We live on the island of Oahu in Kahala where I went to Star of the Sea. I was in the last freshmen class before they closed the high school down. After it closed I was sent to Utah to live with my sister and finish up school at Olympus.
I was married shortly after high school to a real "winner" who to this day loves to make our lives hell. However that’s on his conscience not mine.
I have 2 wonderful girls that remind me not to take life so serious. My little red head is a real lover and has picked up my Husbands witty sarcasm. My Pukashell is a real sweetheart and wants to do her best for all. Oh, and I can’t leave out our littlest "Pig". She loves her sissies dearly.
My wonderful husband makes me laugh, respects and embraces my love for the Hawaiian culture and has adapted to living the island life very well (especially the food). The way I see it...anyone one that that can body board at Sandy's, get wiped out by a local boy and survive(insert stereotype here)...means the island had taken a likening to him too. :)
We belong to the Ka Lama Mohala Foundation here in Utah. If you haven’t heard of it, here is the skinny. The foundation was given a grant to open a Hawaiian Cultural Center in Utah (741 W. Smelter Street, Midvale, UT 84047. These amazing people have made a safe haven for all that have lived, ever loved or of Hawaiian lineage to come and be with others that are the same. You really feel at home and safe, where you always greeted with a smile and a kiss.
It started as a Hula Halau under the instruction of the late Kumu Clarice Wahineali'i Nuhi , whom we dearly miss. The smalls and I have danced with Ka Lama Mohala for 4 years. I love my hula sisters dearly. Kris and Moana have a strength and grace that amazes me every week. (We are the three dummies :))Now Kumu Kawika Alfiche empowers and amazes us all the way from San Francisco. He is one of the most amazing person I have ever know. It is an honor to be in his world. He truly has been an inspiration. Mahalo Kumu!
I worked in radio for 10 years at Bountiful broadcasting, I mean Regent Broadcasting...I mean Jacor Clear Channel Communications. :)Few! I worked in traffic for most of thoes years and then became the Continuity Director for the latter 3.
I left my radio family in June of 06 to work for my brother-in-law as his Accounting/Business Development manager for his hydronic heating company. In the words of My Clear Channel GM Stu "It's not as sexy as radio." That it isn’t, and I miss my friends and the chaotic fun and laughter everyday brought.
I have the same best friend since I was in 4th grade and thank god for her in my life. I go home every year if not more (Delta Brat), and love to travel to other places as well, and I am board of talking about myself....So that’s me....
See ya!

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These are from the "We drank how much?" File....

My Interests

Traveling Hula, The Ka Lama Mohala FoundationHoike 2007

I'd like to meet:

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I love music!!! It is a part of my world. My library spectrum is huge. I appreciate all kinds with one exception. Country! Tried...cant do it, sorry.I know we all have seen this a million times...but it still gets me!!!!


My little Hula Girl!!!!!!

My Blog

Don't pump gas on May 15th...

..> In April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices.Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.On May 15th 2007, all myspace members are to not go to a...
Posted by Kikinei on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 08:22:00 PST


Random Things About YouName three things you did today:1. Gave loves and medicine to my sick smalls2. Read about the Trolley Square Massacre3. W3's and 1096'sWhere is your dad right now?In Hawaii "It'...
Posted by Kikinei on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 09:39:00 PST

Hawaiian Friends

FRIENDS VS. HAWAIIAN FRIENDS FRIENDS: Never ask for food.HAWAIIAN FRIENDS: Are da reason for having food. FRIENDS: Will say "hello."HAWAIIAN FRIENDS: Will give you one hug and kiss. FRIENDS: Call your...
Posted by Kikinei on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 10:20:00 PST