AC 3MONITOR profile picture


xprmntl grphc d_sign

About Me

++++---+-+-++---------------++---+++---------------+++++--+- -+---+++++++++++++-+--+----------------++--++++++-+++
...::. .. :: AC 3MONITOR ... : .: ::: . ... : .. . .. : . .. .. . ::
.. . vE'-"jA :: . . ::::::
::: pAint :::::::
.. :::d .sgn ::::.. .
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Structural disorder
with no unity among it's elements,
Visual arts
filtrate atmospheric kaos.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
AC 3MONITOR ::: presentation
This iniciative rises through the need of expressing new concepts, born from urban and electronic cultures, with a unique visual language. AC 3MONITOR assume experimentation as their main channel of expression. The project was born in November 2004 with three elements: marco dias, paulo humberto, bruno valentim. With education in d_sign and multiple interests in a wide variety of areas merging in the same project different ideas in d_sign, video, ambient decorations, paint, vj, etc.
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AC 3MONITOR vE'-"jA ::: curriculum
::: Places :::
.555 :: Oporto.portugal | Swing :: Oporto, portugal | The Loft.Razzmatazz :: Barcelona, spain | Creamfields :: Andalucia, spain | Lux :: Lisboa, portugal | Porto Rio :: Oporto, portugal | Loop Festival :: Barcelona, spain | Space of Sound :: madrid, spain | Hard Club :: Oporto, portugal | Alfândega :: Oporto, portugal | new years eve :: Alicante, spain
.Swing :: Oporto, portugal | Maumaunderground :: Barcelona, spain | Bazaar :: Oporto, portugal | Zentraus :: Barcelona, spain | Maré Alta :: Oporto, portugal | Alfândega :: Oporto, portugal | Hard Club :: Oporto, portugal | Café La Palma :: Madrid, spain | Space of Sound :: madrid, spain | Raum :: Barcelona, spain | City Hall :: Barcelona, spain | Apollo :: Barcelona, spain | Coopcorp :: Barcelona, spain | The Loft.Razzmatazz :: Barcelona, spain
.The Loft.Razzmatazz :: Barcelona, spain | Becool :: Barcelona, spain | LaCova :: Barcelona, spain | BigCansil :: Sta Maria Feira, portugal | Arco8 :: Azores, portugal | Pdl :: Azores, portugal | Plano B :: Oporto, portugal | club13 :: Barcelona, spain | Raumplaya festival :: Barcelona, spain | Sonar :: Barcelona, spain |
.The Loft.Razzmatazz :: Barcelona, spain | OpArt :: Lisboa, portugal | WorldWideFestival :: Singapure | KGB :: Barcelona, spain | Bazaar, Oporto, portugal | PlanoB :: Oporto, portugal |
.T.Raumschmiere | Tiga | Dieselboy | Chicks On Speed | Dj Craze | Ricardo Vilallobos | Rex The Dog | The Youngsters | Agoria | Legowelt | Bong Ra | vex'D | Distance | James Holden | RadioActiveMan | Boy From Brazil | Optical | Shitmat | Future Prophecies | Dj Rupture | KnifeAndChop | Deformer | Bastian | Anja Schneider | Richard Bartz | Axel Bartsch | Basteroid | Duoteque | Ekkohaus | Ridley Reinhold | Steve Barnes | Fengari | GummiHz | Konrad Black | Loose Change | Mathew Jonson | Metope | Pan-Pot | Ralf Kollmann | Remute | Rolando | Savas Pascalidis | Tone Bano | Trick & Kubic | Virgin Helena | Yapacc| Klute | Nuno Forte | Alif | Expander | Zentex | Dexter | Fulano 47 | Tozé Diogo | Pat Mac | Tilinhos | Subway.
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AC 3MONITOR :: personal intro


My Interests


Member Since: 10/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: AC 3MONITOR

::: marco dias .. paulo humberto .. bruno valentim :::
Influences: :::::::::::::::::::::::
Sounds Like:

Record Label: AC 3MONITOR
Type of Label: None