Kimber profile picture


Me as a Rubix Cube.

About Me

I'm nice. I'm also always on the look-out for new & upcoming designers. I am filling my web site with new designs from unique designers AND I plan on opening a boutique in the VERY near future! I will be filling it with designs, like my own, that are unique, original and one of a kind! I am looking for killer designers because they are killer and when killer people do things, regardless of the particular activities... killerness, it is inherently killer.Me, in a text box:

I like those who don't give up easily.
I think I was once a mermaid.
I derive happiness through laughter.
I don't know where I am going but I always know what I am doing.
I love surprises but hate to wait for them.
I am a sucker for romance.
I pout until I get my way.
I try to Wabi Sabi my life. (Look it up!)
I always lose one earring out of a pair.
I am taking sexy back.
I see the perfection in imperfection.
I actually like doing laundry.
I prefer Orchids to Roses.
I will go to great lengths to pull off a prank.
I am “Miss Scarlet” according to my Mom. I am a natural born detective. I dip French fries in my ice cream. I am stubborn.
I HATE liars.
I LOVE a guy who makes me laugh.
I think the absence of flaw in beauty is a flaw.
I thrive when I am in love.
I am afraid of sharks and spiders.
I think there is nothing better than an ice cold beer in a very hot shower.
I don't like the word “No”.
I will own a sailboat one day.
I have always wanted to be an archeologist.
I love goofing off and being silly.
I am lucky in Vegas as long as I don't bet my own money.
I wear heels because I am the shortest in my family.
I created a job that allows me to move & go anywhere in the world.
I did it because I don't like to stay still.
I am a very kissy drunk.
I am a human lie detector.
I have a "thing" for pirates.
I sing... a LOT.
I have friends in every state because I have moved around so much.
I drink a lot of coffee & even more wine.
I start my days with paw in my face tapping me to get me up.
I want to visit Italy & the South Polynesian Islands.
I like to watch hockey.
I have a signature scent.
I will breed large Savannah cats one day.
I give out tests on human behavior.

My Interests

What I have learned:
It takes losing something in order to see it's worth.
The thoughts we try to deny, take a toll upon our lives. We struggle on in depths of pride, tangled up in single minds.
Passion, it lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir ... open its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us, guides us, passion rules us all; and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts - sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow, empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead.

I'd like to meet:

Ballers and those who make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts or milk spills out of my nose.View All My Friends | View Blog | Add Comment





Anything funny, really dark or very thought out.


I work too much to watch a lot of anything. I'd love to be cool & say "kill the tv" but I do love that idiot box sometimes.


I'm such a fantasy, fairy tale adventure person.


my mom... and anyone ballsy enough to wear spandex.

My Blog

Lies, Lies, Lies!

Every intentional dishonesty diminishes the fabric of life for we are all part of the weave. Every lie acts to diminish, tear apart, and unravel the fabric of our society. And so does every lie that ...
Posted by Kimber on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 12:43:00 PST

Looking For My First Home!!

I'm currently looking for my first home...... I am so excited! I'm looking at single family homes (preferably with a pool) and also buildings with more than one condo/apartment in it (duplex, triplex,...
Posted by Kimber on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 10:37:00 PST