Shadow profile picture


Don't Hate...Amphibiate!

About Me

Shadow has taken over this MySpace page. She is a 16 year old all black cat. She has a touch of white under her chin and on her tummy.She sleeps all day and is awake all night. When she hears the alarm clock ringing she knows that we will be getting up and will feed her. So, when she hears the alarm clock ringing she comes into the bedroom and if we do not get up quick enough she will sit on us and meow till we feed her.She is such a sweet kitty. We love her very much. I will try and post more pics of her but she closes her eyes every time I try and take her picture.We bought a few additions to our tank. The "feeder" Goldfish, named Nemo, seemed lonely.On Friday, Feb. 23rd, we brought home 2 Red Mickey Mouse Platy. They seem to have adjusted to there new home quite well.Along with Nemo there are some leftover Guppy feeders in there as well.These new additions will never replace Benny but they are going to be fun to watch grow.Benny 11/05-2/16/07This was Benny's story.Hi! My name is Benny. I am a Frog. Not just any Frog, I am a "African Albino Three-Clawed Frog".I am 6 inches long and have pink eyes. The underside of my arms are dark because I am Mature! I was 2 years old in November 2006.I can "croak" when I am looking for attention, and I am very good at it. Every week I will shed my outer skin and I like to eat it.YUM....DINNER
Get your FREE lively Fish Tank @

My Interests

*Shadow* I Like to eat my mama's plants and then throw them up on the rug or bedroom blanket.*Benny and Nimo & company* I like to swim, eat, sleep and float in my tank.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet the Cats on www.stuffonmycat.comKermit the Frog and his nephew Robin, and some dude called Crazy Frog...


Music Video Codes By Music


*Shadow's Books she has red* The Cat in the Hat Puss in Boots*Benny's books he read* The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders by Jack PrelutskyWhy Frogs are Wet by Judy HawesFarley Frog by Chloe Thompson


Kermit the Frog

My Blog

We lost Benny

On Sunday, February 11th, Benny fell ill.  I had changed the water in his tank the day before. I did it the same way I have done every other time. He was very happy the night before and was even ...
Posted by Shadow on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 01:09:00 PST

I want a tattoo!

I was watching Miami Ink a few nights ago with my mama and I think I want to do it.  I think I want a tatoo! I found a really cool pic I want.  What do you think of it?  I added the pi...
Posted by Shadow on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 09:27:00 PST

New Glasses

I was having a hard time swimming around in my tank.  I kept running into the sides.  So, my owner took me to the Eye Dr. and he gave me these glasses. Do you like them?  My owner say...
Posted by Shadow on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 05:58:00 PST

Benny and the Flys

Someone that my owners once knew wrote this song about me.   (To be sung to the tune of Benny and the Jets)   Hey FROGS, RIBBETT all together The flies are all around us And...
Posted by Shadow on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 06:58:00 PST

The day I escaped from my tank!

While my owner was cleaning and getting ready to shampoo the rugs in the house, I thought it would be a good time to go out and explore.  I climbed up the wall ...
Posted by Shadow on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 05:46:00 PST