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Cosmic Knight

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About Me

Constantly Building and Expanding! I am that Black Gold of the Sun! Cosmic Knight energy of the ONE! Released from Mother's womb in a place called Brooklyn NY on that 19th day of July when Malcolm was in Cairo building on African Unity and New York was going through a summer of reflection on the question of race. Mom and Pops were in love and the stage was set. We've journeyed a long way through the cosmic waters of the abyss and have incarnated with one purpose in Shine Our Cosmic Black Light for all the world to see, feel, and experience! And like the original Sun our Love and Light is unconditional, everlasting, and unlimited! They can't stop the shining!!! ...... Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Self Mastery Hypersapce GOD code activation, Next Leveldom, Pinealism Realism, Piercing the Veil and Abyss, Ketherism, Cosmism, Powers of the Beast, Black Light, and all that god stuff!!! Nuclear Evolution

I'd like to meet:

My Higher Self - Our eyes see illusion and light while our Pineal Gland sees the real beyond the light. The Pineal Gland sees the degrees of darkness beyond illusion, beyond the light. See the Pineal Real. Meet what is wating for us beyond the Veil. They can't stop the shining!!!

Djembe Drumming and Dancing ..Master Drummer - 4 Year Old ..Master Drummer - 2 Year Old ..Avatar The Last Airbender - Book 2 - Season Finale
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Alice Coltrane - Language of ASCENSION Webpage


Alice Coltrane - Journey In Satchidananda (grooving eastern jazz with harp & Pharoah on Sax, Jimmy Garrison on Bass) Alice Coltrane - Stravinsky Variations (Classical piece composed by Alice w/ strings, incredible DEEP bowed upright bass and alice on harp) Alice Coltrane - Transfiguration (solo piano excerpt displaying an amazing delicate water-like technique and ever shiftng modes) Alice Coltrane & John Coltrane - EXPRESSION (excerpt of quartet with John & Alice at the height of their spiritually explosive intensity



Matrix, Kirikou and the Sorceress, Dune, The Silver Surfer, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Star Trek, Star Wars.


Channel Zero; Sci-fi Channel; Babylon 5 - First Season - Episode "Mind War" - Jason Ironheart.


My Dream Journal Get Your Own! | View Slideshow THE DIVINE MARRIAGE - What the Masters allegorically referred to as "the marriage of the Lamb", was the exaltation of the spiritual nature. It is the activation of the Pineal (male) by the Pituitary (female) as a result of a peculiar stimulation by the Golden Oil that is raised up from the sacral plexus (Rev. 19:7-9). ------- This produces a harmonization of the negative and positive powers in the body, by means fo which equilibrium is attained. ----- This produces reciporocal action between the lower and the higher that promotes development on every plane of being -- the transmutation of the gross into the subtle, which effects the transit of the sensuous to the supersensuous. ------ We mentioned the Pingala, Ida, and Sushumna nadis. The latter, located between the other two, forms a tube, at the lower end of which is he seat of the Serpentine Fire, the Kundalini Power, or the potential Divine Force. ----- THE DIVINE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB occurs when this Force is raised up through the Sushuman and passes through the top of the head. This produces spiritual illumination and the acuaisition of paranatural powers. Awaken the World Within, page 247 THE WHITE STONE ----- "By degrees the neophyte was taught the secret of how to control the vibrations of the Pituitary and Pineal Glands in such a manner as to enable him to contact any region of the INNER WORLDS that he desired, as one does in dreams when asleep. ----- The faculty, when it is functional, is under control of the will. It is unnecessary for on to go into a trance or do anything abnormal, to raise the Consciousness to the HIGHER WORLD. The Master simply wills to see, and he sees. ----- After the candidate was taught the preliminary lessons of the Serpentine Fire, he passed on to the next chamber of the Temple, where he was intructed in the lessons of the All Seeing Eye, the WHITE STONE in which an new name is written, which no man knoweth saving he that receivth it (Rev. 2:17)." Awaken the World Within, Hotema, page 277 THE SINGLE EYE ----- When the Pineal gland is normal and stimulated by the Serpentine Fire, it becomes the INNER EYE of the Brain, the ALL SEEING EYE of the Masters, the Light of the World Within. ----- Ye are the light of the world. The light of the body is the (All Seing) Eye. If thine Eye be single, they whole body shall be full of light (Mat 5:14; 6:22). ----- As the Initiate prepared for instruction in the secret of the Single Eye, the Light of the Life that lighteth thy whole body, he prayed that the will of the gods be made known unto him. ----- When he reached the state where he experienced the strange sensation of the shock that suddenly awakens the Pineal. the Initiate cried out, "Hail, New born Light, O Mysterious most truly holy, O pure light!"", Awaken the World Within, Hotema, page 278


Higher Self ....Artifical Moon - Used on all Colony Worlds - Magnetic Frequency Lock Down Apparatus - Spiritual Training Tool (meaning you don't get out of jail or graduate from Earth until you can fly with the Mental Body)- The Moon disrupts the Magnetic frequency received from the Sun by inserting an electric lock down frequency :) There are people on our planet who Excell in the electrical lock down frequencies of debilitating electrical technology and the false Moon. However those bringing forth the spiritual Magnetic DNA codes of the orginal sun reflected onto our local sun and thereafter to their individual suns are dawning a new day! They can't stop the shining!!! Yet in the early Pyramid Texts, he (KHONSU, THE LUNAR GOD) appears in the well known "Cannibal Hymn" (Utt. 173-4) as a bloodthirsty deity who assists the deceased king in catching and slaying those gods that the king "feeds upon" in order to absorb their strength. Specifically, it refers to him as "Khonsu who slew the lords, who strangles them for the King, and extracts for him what is in their bodies". Though only mentioned once in the Pyramid Texts, he is also referred to in Spell 258 of the Coffin Texts, where he is "Khonsu who lives on hearts", and in Spell 310, where he is capable of sending out "the rage which burns hearts". He later becomes associated with childbirth prior to becoming the better known god of the Theban triad, consisting of Amun, Mut and himself.Moon from the movie Time Machine "The moon is now the cold residual quantity, the shadow dragged after the new body, into which her living powers are transfused. She now is doomed for long ages to be ever pursuing the Earth, to be attracted by and to attract her progeny. Constantly vampirized by her child, she revenges herself on it, by soaking it through and through with the nefarious, invisible and poisonous influence which emanates from the occult side of her nature. For she is a dead, yet a living body. The particles of her decaying corpse are full of active and destructive life, although the body which they had formed, is soulless and lifeless. Therefore its emanations are at the same time beneficent and maleficent -- this circumstance finding its parallel on earth in the fact that the grass and plants are nowhere more juicy and thriving than on the graves; while at the same time it is the graveyard or corpse-emanations, which kill. And like all ghouls or vampires, the moon is the friend of the sorcerers and the foe of the unwary. From the archaic aeons and the later times of the witches of Thessaly, down to some of the present tantrikas of Bengal, her nature and properties were known to every Occultist, but have remained a closed book for physicists." (Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky, Vol. I, 155 or 180) [665] Death Star of Star Wars I see from the position of asteroid High Ground, Astral Travel is not sufficient to break the lock down, we must perfect Mental Travel to go beyond the Moon, my father Galactus once placed me on planatery lock down, eventually I learned the lock down was only placed on my lower nature (lower bodies), so I rose above my lower natures and now roam the Cosmos freely."The Moon is the closest to our earth and, as a satellite, the Moon is completely dependent upon earth. Through mental travel, the magician will discover there are no living beings and no vegetation and therefore no human beings on the "side of the Moon facing the earth". The Moon is surrounded by the Moon zone, which is called the Moon sphere by initiates, as the earth is surrounded by the zone girdling the earth. The Moon sphere, like the zone girdling the earth, is inhabited by countless beings of various ranks." Franz Bardon, the practice of magical evocation,page 278 -Ayurveda Vedanta - Science of Life - Chakras and Energy Healing - "The scientifc basis for these traditions is the touch and smell of the flowers (apart form the adhidaivika - supernatural influence coming from the worship) that harmonize the Chakras, which have been imbalanced due to the influence of the moon planet. As the Chakras have their connections with the five great elements of matter, the association of flowers through the sense power of smell (the earth element) combined with touch (the air element) and sight (the fire element) bring into effect a wonderful tally of the trial balance of one's energy account.", Ayurveda-vedanta link The Question one would need to ask is why and how the Moon can cause a Chakra Imbalance that needs to be corrected? .. The MOON was placed in ORBIT by a CLASS THREE type civilization! How about eleven dimensions?
Add to My Profile | More Videos We are a class Zero civilization transitioning to class ONE! (yes we can control the weather) The Moon has class three type civilization technology on it to monitor when we graduate and receive our EARTH DEGREE in MENTAL TRAVEL. Yeah, I know yall think I'm trippin. I get even crazier than this! :) We graduate when we are able to introduce special hormones, proteins, and ancestors into the blood stream, to activate the hyperspace quantum leap potential components of our SELF. We have to turn on the GOD code in our DNA fully clothed with the light body vehicle, Pineal Vision, Mental Travel capacity, Kundalini risen power of the Beast! That MOON up there is very interesting! It effects more than just the ocean tide, menstral cycle, and blood flows. It attempts to control the animal and lower vehicles of the self but it can't stop the shining of a Hyperspace GOD!!!! They can't stop the shining!!!! .. Kundalini of the Beast!!! It reminds be of the last scene in that movie "the Medallion" with Jackie Chan, when the two beast inside the Medallion rose to the Crown Chakra Roof to provide Immortality. .. NUBIAN CRUISER ALCYONE, brightest star/sun of the Pleiades is the center of the Galaxcy that our Galaxcy rotates around according to the Ancient Vedic and Olmec text. It is found in the constellation of TAURUS. TAURUS is aligned to our spritual anatomy at the thymus gland HEART CHARKRA, along with Venus and Libra. Correspondingly ALCYONE is at the HEART. The center of our universe's universe is at the HEART. We can travel there best, not in a physical space ship, but in the Spiritual MOTHER SHIP, that will take us to the EAST, INWARD. "EMFs from cell phones are directed into the ear, jaws, teeth, eyes, scalp, brain, hypothalamus, sinuses, and pineal gland. The full extent of harm from external EMF exposure is not yet fully documented. A calcified pineal gland in humans reduces melatonin production, as is the case in 60% of Americans over 50 years of age. The pineal gland has documented effects on reproductive function, growth, body temperature, blood pressure, motor activity, sleep, tumor growth, mood, the immune system, and longevity. It has been known for over 20 years that very small magnetic fields influence the pineal gland, causing an increase, or decrease, in the production of melatonin and serotonin. These two neurohormones have many functions including the direct control of all biocycles in the body." Some say the full moon is the most spiritual, others say its the new moon. ----- "Because of its low light intensity, the moon was originally thought to have no effect on the production of melatonin by the pineal gland. However, as we discuss below, more recent studies have produced results that suggest there may be some link between lunar phase and the secretion of melatonin (Law, 1986).
CURRENT MOON about the moon
In addition to light, other electromagnetic (EM) radiations influence melatonin production, and EM fields of varying strengths and types – including earth strength magnetic fields – have been shown to influence melatonin production to the same degree as the exposure to light does: both in vivo, and in vitro and in a number of species including humans (Reiter & Richardson, 1992; Reiter, 1993a,b; Schneider et al, 1994; Yaga et al, 1993). Further, magnetic fields of this general type have been found to be effective in directly stimulating pineal tissue (Richardson et al, 1992)." The Pineal Gland And The Ancient Art Of Iatromathematica - click here "Khonsu nefer hotep" (in Thebes) was described as the "lord of", an epithet he shared with Ptah. When there was a new moon he was known as the "mighty bull" and during the full moon he was associated with a neutered bull. This god not only ruled the month, but he also supposed to possess absolute power over the evil sprits which infested earth, air, sea, and sky, and which made themselves hostile to man and attacked his body under the forms of pains, sickness, and diseases, and produced decay, and madness, and death. He it was, moreover, who made plants to grow, and fruit to ripen, and animals to conceive, and to men and women he was the god of love. The Moon, partaking as she does of the highest and the lowest, and filling all the space between, is the most universal of the Planets. In her higher aspect, she occupies the place of the Link between the human and divine, as shown in Atu II. In this Trump, her lowest avatar, she joins the earthy sphere of Netzach with Malkuth, the culmination in matter of all superior forms. This is the waning moon, the moon of witchcraft and abominable deeds. She is the poisoned darkness which is the condition of the rebirth of light. Thoth Tarot, Crowely "When the full Moon is in opposition to the Sun, it is excellent for warlike, riotous and discordant experiments; in its last quarter it favours works which deal directly with operations of destruction and ruin. The best time for the experiences of death and invisibility is when the Moon is almost deprived of light.----- When the Moon is in conjunction with the Sun nothing must be undertaken, because it is an unfortunate time and all things fail therein; but when in its crescent period, acuated with light, any experiences may be prepared and any writings and operations accomplished, especially for conversing with spirits." The Book of Ceremonial Magic, Arthur Edward Waite, page 153 Crescent Moon!
It was said that when Chons (Khonsu) caused the crescent moon to shine, women conceived, cattle became fertile, and all nostrils and every throat was filled with fresh air.
The Crescent Moon after the Dark Moon as well as when the Moon is furthest away from the Earth is the best time to reach escape velocity in spite of the Moon's lock down frequencies, because the negative EMF effects of the Moon are least then and therefore the melanin production from the pineal gland can be greatest!? The Pineal Glands magnetic secretions of biological light also know as Melitonan is of supreme importance in doing Spiritual work because it helps bridge the gap between worlds. Study your energy flows according to the phases of the Moon and SEE for yourSELF!
Life In The Astral Plane"During the course of practice, one day you will feel that you have separated yourself from the body. You will have immense joy mixed with fear; joy in the possession of a new light, astral body; and fear owing to the entry in a foreign, unknown plane. At the very outset, the new consciousness is very rudimentary in the new plane. You will only feel that you have a light, airy body and will perceive a rotating, vibrating, limited astral atmosphere with illumination of golden lights, objects and beings. You may feel that you are floating in the air.You will never fall; but the new experience of subtlety generates novel feelings and sensations in the beginning. How you leave the body and remain, is unknown. You are unaware of how you have completely separated yourself from the body. The new joy is inexpressible. Your will have to actually feel and experience it yourself. When you come back to body-consciousness, there is an intense craving to regain the new consciousness and to remain in that state always. By chance, by repeated attempts, you are able to go beyond the body-consciousness once in a month or so in the course of Sadhana. If you plod on with patience, through Yogic practices, you will be able to leave the body at will and stay for a long time.You can by mere willing travel in any place you like with the astral body and there materialise by drawing the necessary materials either from Ahamkara or the universal storehouse. The process is very simple to occultists and Yogis who know the rationale, the detailed technique of the various operations. Thought-reading, thought-transference, psychic healing, distant healing, etc., can be very easily performed by those who can function with the astral body. Concentrated mental rays can penetrate opaque walls and travel miles and miles."KUNDALINI YOGA By SRI SWAMI SIVANANDA

My Blog

Food for Cosmic Thought and the Light Body!

Food for Cosmic Thought and the Light Body! Why do we eat food? As animals to stay alive and maintain the physical. As Gods to form links from the physical to the Soul. What should we eat? Raw or C...
Posted by Cosmic Knight on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:23:00 PST

Cinematographic Subliminal Diabolicalness

I finally saw the movie Spider-Man(3) by Sam Raimi (Reingewertz) and Ivan Raimi (Reingewertz). As a long time second generation marvel comics fan who was very familiar with the "Venom" story line the...
Posted by Cosmic Knight on Tue, 15 May 2007 11:07:00 PST


Hip HOP! - BlackMoon - I got cha Opened.. Stetsasonic - Talkin All That Jazz Digable Planets - Cool Like Dat ** Black Star - Definition...
Posted by Cosmic Knight on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 01:50:00 PST


  ..>..>..>..> ..> ..> Yeah, Yeah, I know........ some of yall think a brothers trippin with all this Moon Madness stuff but I ain't the only on..... by Mikhail Vasin and Ale...
Posted by Cosmic Knight on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 07:36:00 PST


The Secret Doctrine of Scientology, courtesy of South Park *** *** OK, so you've never heard of Soul Catchers.  This article says there's a Soul Catcher on the Moon.  :) "I answered yes a...
Posted by Cosmic Knight on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 02:29:00 PST


(THIS ARTICLE IS STILL BEING CONSTRUCTED!) Concepts of Astrology!!!!  We begin with SELF!!! Knowledge of SELF!!! This first image is the KEY to Astrology as it relates to MAN!  In general ...
Posted by Cosmic Knight on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 06:39:00 PST

The Sun Is Freaking Out and Now More Cosmic Dust

excerpts from an article by Paul Winter - The increase in severe weather suddenly appeared in 2002, too suddendly to be caused by greenhouse gasses whi...
Posted by Cosmic Knight on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 07:53:00 PST


Root Chakra to Root Chakra Sexual Vortex in the Embrace! Oh Daddy Make it Rain! Come to Mama Supreme Magnetic's Fertile Ground! Preparations for the Soul Implantation Proclaimation! 49 DAYS!!!!!...
Posted by Cosmic Knight on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:34:00 PST


Egyptian (Kemetic) Tree of Life   The Sefiroth& Kether: NU - The primordial Ocean of Space Hockmah: BEHEDETI - The winged Solar Disk - HADIT (of Liber AL*) Binah: NUIT - Mother of Osiris...
Posted by Cosmic Knight on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 08:44:00 PST


Our Cosmic Sun told me what most Christians know about Jesus is equivalent to a pre-kindagarten infant level of spiritual instruction.  It said in this day and age with the increadible...
Posted by Cosmic Knight on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 02:53:00 PST