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Sexy Sez!

Sexy Sez

About Me

I'm lively, outgoing, sarcastic and stubborn! I ejoy havin a laugh and meetin new people. I have the greatest time getting mashed with my fiance and the lads it always ends as a top night! I'm engaged to a lovely bloke called Matt and we've not long moved into our own house. It's lovely to finally have a home to call or own. Just started a new job for a double glazing firm too and everything is finally fitting into place. I've calmed down alot since my schooldays and am finally glad to be settling down!style type="text/css" body, body.bodyContent { background-image: url( 1/bg-ss11th10d-20.gif); background-attachment: fixed; background-position: bottom left; background-repeat: repeat; background-color:D1EBF9;}table table table {width:100%; padding:0; background-color:D3D3D3;}
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My Interests

Click here to get your free text scroller.I enjoy swimming and reading. I also enjoy spending time with my fiance and our friends and family! I enjoy spendin time with our mates and gettin on it and just generally havin a laugh with the boys. I'm classed as one of the lads purely for the fact that i'm the only girlfriend that fits in with them all and enjoys the same things!
What Mythical Creature are you? Your Result: Nymph

Nymphs are known for being extraordinarily beautiful. Unlike other mythical creatures, Nymphs are completely unselfish and do not always realize their beauty. Because of this naivette, they are easily taken advantage of. Nymphs are quite innocent and devoted. They have one main passion in life, and devote themselves to it. As a Nymph, you are pure of heart, playful, and very free spirited.

What Mythical Creature are you?
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I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet Vinnie Jones & Jason Statham but then what woman wouldn't!!! Also i would have loved to meet Princess Diana, she was a great woman who did a lot of good!
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I like a bit of eveything really! Really like the Feeling, The Kooks as well as Garage, R&B and Hip-Hop.
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I absolutely love The Green Mile! Also The Transporter 1&2, Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barrells, Snatch to name but a few.
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I love Footballer's Wives! I think Zoe Lucker plays the part of Tanya Turner extremelly well! Tanya's a right bitch! And i love Top Gear!! I'm really into my cars. Plus Richard Hammond is SOOOOO Cute!! Glad he's on the mend Top Gear wouldn't be the same without him!
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I love autobiographies! Have read both of Jordan's and couldn't put them down. I got Richard Hammond's for xmas and i just can't believe how he survived the crash!!


My dad - god rest his soul! And my mum for doing a brilliant job raising me after my dad passed away suddenly...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Sarah Louise Rogers
Birthday:: 17th August 1985
Birthplace:: West Hill Hospital, Dartford
Eye Color:: Hazel
Hair Color:: Brunette
Height:: 5ft 8
Weight:: 7 stone 9
Right handed or Left handed?: Right
Your Heritage:: English, Welsh & Scottish!
My Worst Habit:: Swearing
Zodiac Sign:: Leo
Shoe Size:: 5/6
Pants Size:: 8/10
Innie or Outie?: Innie
Parents Still Together?: Nope. My mum's a widow.
The Shoes You Wore Today:: White flip flops
Your Weakness:: Love
Your Fears:: Being alone
Your Perfect Pizza:: Stuffed Crust Meat Feast
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Buy a house
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Snooze button
Your Best Physical Feature:: My Smile
Your Bedtime:: Varies
Your Most Missed Memory:: My Dad
Favorite color?: Pink
Food?: Chinese
Sport?: Rugby
Animal?: Tigers
Ice Cream?: Ben & Jerrys Choc Chip Cookie Dough
Candy?: Lots
Store?: Primark
Salad Dressing?: Mayonnaise
Actor?: Jason Statham
Song?: ATM it's Miracle by Cascada
Letter?: S
Number?: 17
Gum?: They don't do it anymore but it used to be the PK Liquorice gum!!
Holiday?: Kenyan Safari with the school
Season?: Summer
Toothpaste Flavor?: Mint
Radio Station?: Invicta or kiss
Perfume?: Coco Chanel Madamoiselle, Versace Red Jeans, Jean Paul Gautier
Scent besides perfume?: Petrol/Diesel, Cut Grass
Body part on the opposite sex?: Smile, Bum
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Happy
How Do You Want To Die?: In my sleep
Turn ons:: Personality & Sense of Humour
Turn offs:: Rudeness
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Amie
Who's The Loudest?: All of them- i'm the quiet one!!
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Matty or Amie
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Darren (Morph)
Who's The Shyist?: Shy one you gotta be kidding?
When Have You Cried The Most?: When my dad passed away
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Being in love
Worst Feeling?: Being heart broken
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: Strood or Hoo
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: To have loadsa money
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Probably til i'm about 90! If my nan is anything to go by!!
Let's walk on the: sandy beach
Let's look at the: Stars
What a nice: boy!
Where did all the: Little green men go??
Why can't we: just all get along?
Silly, little: F****R!
Isn't it weird that: in different hemispheres the water goes round the sink opposite ways??
Never under any circumstance: take Drugs!! yeah rite!!
I wish: i was a Punk Rocker
Everyone has a: Smile
I am: a Stubborn Bitch with a big heart!
Been In Love?: Yes
Been To Juvie?: Nope
Mooned Someone?: Nope
Been Rejected?: Yes
Ran Away From Home?: yes
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: Yes
Skipped School?: Nope
Thought About Suicide?: Yes
Slept Outside?: Yes
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: Yes
Cried In School?: Yes
Thrown Up In School?: Yes
Wanted To Be a Model?: Yes
Cheated On Someone?: Yes
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: Yes
Seen A Dead Body?: Nope
Been Bitched Out?: Yes
Drank Alcohol?: Yes but don't drink anymore
Smoked?: Still do!
Been On Drugs?: Still Am!!
Eaten Sushi?: Yuk raw fish!!
Been On Stage?: Yes- Everyone from West Hill will remember our Yr 6 Production A Victorian Music Hall! Yes lets Cringe!!
Gone Skinny Dipping?: Yes
Shoplifted?: Yes
Been Drunk?: Last thurs only had 2!
Been Called A Tease?: All the time
Been Beaten Up?: No
Swear?: Too much
Sing Well?: Nope
Shower Daily?: Yes
Want To Go To College?: Did
Want To Get Married?: Engaged
Believe In Yourself?: Sometimes
Get Motion Sickness?: Nope
Think You Are Attractive?: Sometimes
Get Along With Your Parents?: Now there's 400miles between us yes
Like Thunderstorms?: HATE THEM!!
Play An Instrument?: Can play the flute!
Own An IPOD?: Shuffle
Pray?: Nope
Go To Church?: Nope
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: Teddy Bears u mean?
Keep A Journal/Diary?: Used to
Dance In The Rain?: Yes and jump in puddles! Where's JayJay when u need him?
Sing In The Shower?: Sometimes depends if i'm home alone!!
Pepsi or Coke?: Both
McDonald's or Burger King?: Burger King
Single or Group Dates?: Don't mind
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate all the way
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: Meat
TV or Movie?: Both
Guitar or Drums?: Guitar
Adidas or Nike?: Nike
Chinese or Mexican?: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Cheerios
Cake or Pie?: Cake
MTV or VH1?: MTV
Blind or Deaf?: Deaf
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Do The Splits?: Used to
Write With Both Hands?: yes but not well
Whistle?: Yes
Blow A Bubble?: Yes
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: Yes
Cross Your Eyes?: Nope
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: Yes
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: Yes
Dance?: Got medals for it used to go to Len Goodmans school of Dance
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: OH yes
You Touched:: Matty
You Talked To On The Phone:: My Boss
You Instant Messaged:: Kerry
You Hugged:: Matty
You Yelled At:: Matty
You Played A Sport With:: Dont do sports
Time You Laughed?: When i kicked the ashtray off the table cos matt was tickling me!
Time You Cried?: Yesterday
Movie You Watched?: Transporter
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Tuti Fruity
Joke You Told?: Don't tell em
Song You've Sung?: Avril Lavine Girlfriend
Where Are You?: At blase Farm Quarry Working
What Can You See Out Your Window?: A Tipper Lorry and some woods
Are You Listening To Music?: Yes
What Are You Wearing?: Jeans, Flip flops and an Addidas pull over
What's On Your Mousepad?: Dont have one
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: maybe
Do you believe in miracles?: Yes
Magic?: Nope
Love at first sight?: Of course
God?: Nope
Satan?: Nope
Ghosts?: Yes
Santa?: Nope
Evolution?: Huh??
Fav Eye Color:: Brown
Fav Hair Color:: Brown
Short or Long Hair:: Short
Height:: 6ft
Weight:: 12st ish
Best Clothing Style:: Trendy but not too flashy
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Iceland
Number Of CD's I Own:: Hundreds
Your Good Luck Charm:: i have 3. The bracelet Matt bought me. The necklace in memory of my dad. And my family
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 3
Do you drink milk?: Nope well only in T
Person You Hate Most:: Marion
Most Outdated Phrase:: Lush
Do you think God has a gender?: Who cares?
Where do you think we go when we die?: We become clouds? I don't know
How many rings until you answer the phone?: Depends who it is thats ringing. Work as many as possible
What is something scientists need to invent?: a button that does all your housework for you
Are you a health freak?: No Way
Are you a virgin?: No Way
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: The milky way
What is the worst weather?: Thunder & Lightning & Snow
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: Nope i had Polly Pockets
How many grades have you failed?: None
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My Blog

My Holiday in Crete

Well what can i say bout the holiday?! It was fantastic, wasn't too happy bout leavin home at 2.30am to get to Gatwick but it was a much needed and well deserved holiday so i wasn't about to start com...
Posted by Sexy Sez! on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 05:25:00 PST

2 weeks in Hell!!!

Well welcome to my 2 weeks in hell and i'm only 2days into it! God sometimes wrk sucks! I've been sent to cover our other quarry but the best things is no lorries are comin into it and if they are the...
Posted by Sexy Sez! on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 04:07:00 PST

Bloody Estate Agents

Anyone who has ever bought a house or tried to buy one will know where i'm coming from.  Those who have yet to have that pleasure in life......Please take note. Those of u who know me and read my...
Posted by Sexy Sez! on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 01:20:00 PST

New Arrival

Well everybody the newest arrival to the family is finally here!! My sister in law gave birth to a lovely baby boy last nite weighin 7lb 6oz.  Can't wait to see him. Only trouble is, now i'm so b...
Posted by Sexy Sez! on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 03:24:00 PST

Save Myspace!

Anybody happen to catch Nightline recently on ABC? In case you didn't, one of the hot topics discussed was MySpace. It is no secret to anyone who reads the newspaper or watches the 6 o'clock news that...
Posted by Sexy Sez! on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 05:50:00 PST

HeLp Me!

Oh my fucking god!!   I've just found out that for my work xmas do, (which is on Saturday)  i have to wear a FORMAL party dress!! Where the fuck am i gonna get one of those? How am i go...
Posted by Sexy Sez! on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 04:42:00 PST

This is Bollox

Well how bollox is this!  It's Saturday morning and i'm at work and started at 7am i hasten to add!! Granted i work every other Sat but today is just taking the piss!! I work on a quarry and norm...
Posted by Sexy Sez! on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 02:18:00 PST