Amateur Radio(KF4-LED),Scanning,old military equipment and Radios, painting Ceramics,camping,boating,motorcycle and horse back riding(Paso Fino Horses),PS2 games,music and love going to the movies.I like the Paranormal,ghosts and things like that I love T.A.P.S. I also clect Folding Knives I'm also supporter of Native Americans(Their history and customs)
People from diferent back grounds males and females, from Puerto Rico, Florida and Native Americans all over the world. Of 27yrs of age and up.
I listen to almost every thing but when it comes to salsa I don't listen to it that much.I like old heavy metal(Judas Priest,Gun and Roses,Dio,Black sabath,METALICA!!)Perreo and electronic musicElctronic(Club) music
Casa Blanca,Full Metal jaket,Platton,Few good men,Garden of stones,Uncomon Valor,Anapolis,Batman,Star wars(all of them)Born on 4 of July,Top Gun,The green Beret,Taps,G.I. Jane,Dances With Wolves,underworld I & II,Flag of Our Fathers,Deja vu
CSI Miami,The closer,the Military Chanel,House,Cops,America Most Wanted, American Choopers,Ghost Hunters
The way of the peacefull warrior,Yarhead,Davichi code,any book by Mary summer Rain,Black Elk Speaks,Wicca,Channeling, The Seven Rites of the Lakota Sioux,Mother Earth Spirituality by Ed McGaa,Marine Sniper by Charles W. Sasser,The Flag Of Our Father's By James Bradley
Lcdo.Rafael Cuevas Kuinlam(my Dad)Jose De Diego,Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos,Lolita Lebron,Comandante Filiberto Ojeda Rios,El "Che"Guevara,Ina Hamilton,Crazy Horse,Black Elk,Geronimo,Native American Nations,All Tribal People,Jhon Wayne,Steven Segal,Roberto Clemente,Gnsgt Carlos Hathcock(USMC),NYPD & NYFD Fire & Rescue