About Me
Somebody called for Miss Behaavaior?..Wonky whore?...The Aviator?...Miss Va Vavoom?...KP?...Avon Avon??My real name is Ava, and I miss Ibiza, I've been working there all summer, and give 'a big thumbs up' for season no.2...summer 07 on it's way - hoorah!! I've got a star tatooed on my ankle to remind me of the wonderful days on the white isle..especially the brilliant wonky day that i got that done with one of my 'other halfs'..Scrubber aka Charlotte!When I'm not in Ibiza, I live here, in my house in England. I don't like England anymore , it's dull and cold but it does have it's benefits, my friends! um ... im sure there's other stuff? I work in a bar, that'll be until next summer..we all know what im doing then!! (hoorah!)So..about me?? I'll admit, I have some bad habits, being late, eating all the ice cream, getting wonky, spending money i dont have on clothes that i dont need, getting drunk the night before work, saying what i think, smoking and drinking! I talk too much, I rabbit on about nothing in particular and generally dont know when to stop, but it's okay my friends find it funny.I have some good habits too, drinking green tea, hugging my friends (properly none of this pat on the back crap!), dressing nicely, showering, shopping at Primark, cooking yummy food (kkhhmm), saying what i think, getting wonky and making my friends laugh!I like my friends, my sister, my stepdad, i like honest people, getting drunk on a school night (rebel!), unzipping parka jackets, random missions (especially in Ibiza), i dont like stealing but i like borrowing as I like to call it, wonky objects (chairs, vases, road signs, blackboards etc, well..it'd be rude not to in Ibiza!), roast dinners are yummy! I like watching movies in be/having sleepovers, i especially like lying in, people who hug properly, sunny days, i like getting my hair done, buying new clothes, oh..and the smell of clean washing.I don't like fake people (why go to the effort!), small minded people, weirdos at the bus stop, missing buses, getting up early, i HATE mayonaise (eeuugghh who invented it??!!), ugly people trying to unzip my parka, drivers in cars annoy me by not indicating (hello?did you pass your test!!!), people who don't pick up their dog poo,i dont approve of people who drink stella (wife beaters) and the fact Zanj moved to Australia (sorry selfish moment obv glad ur happy!! ).I'll leave it at that, don't want to overwhelm anyone..or give away too much information to internet weirdos! see you at the bus stop.................