I love film, science fiction (Mostly Jack Vance and Ursula LeGuin) and games (all kinds, board card and computer). Politics, theology, ethics, argument. Music is wonderful. Piracy is fun, arrr!
Anyone who has done as well or better on this:
I received 86 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz
How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Take the Sci-Fi Movie Quiz canon s5
Punk - Bad Religion, Anti-Flag, Descendants, Propaghandi
Trance - George Acosta, CBR Project, Cosmic Gate, Talla 2XLC
Pirate Music/Sea Shanties - The Bilge Pumps, The Jolly Rogers
Classical - Beethoven, Mozart's Requiem
Rocka/Psychobilly - Tiger Army, Nekromantix, Rev. Horton Heat
Other - Aquabats, old Green Day (read: Nimrod and before), Nobuo Uematsu, HB Surround Sound, Op Ivy, Greg Graffin
LoTR, the pianist, pi, requiem for a dream, many many more.
I make stupid comedies. Both for classes:
Collision (2006)
Closet (2007)
south park, daily show, colbert report, simpsons, Family Guy, real time with bill maher. Penn and Teller's Bullshit! Dr. Who, Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, Firefly, Deadwood, BSG, The Shield
any and all Jack Vance. Most Ursula LeGuin especailly "The Word for World is Forrest" and "The Left Hand of Darkness". All Cordwainer Smith.
Books I am in the process of reading:
"Dispossessed" Ursula K LeGuin (Finished!)
"The Science Fiction of Cordwainer Smith"
"The Hugo Winners Vol 1 & 2 (1955-1970)" Edited by Isaac Asimov (Finished!)
"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" Robert Heinlin (Finished!)
"The Dying Earth" - Jack Vance (Finished!)
"The God Delusion" - Richard Dawkins
"Best of F&SF 1962" (Finsihed!)
"The Golden Compass" - Philip Pullman
"Good Omens" - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Barbara Boxer for sure. She should be president. Greg Graffin. Dennis Kucinich. My boss. Bobby Henderson. Maddox.