Today my interests are soap (I make it), learning how to play the guitar (any teachers would be welcome), sensual exploration - and no I don't necessarily mean that in a sexual context - more along the lines of all five of them working together, sewing, my awesome an amazing children and experiencing the people that they are, refining my ideas of good parenting and practicing with gusto, learning whatever stikes my fancy, breathing air intentionally, living in eternity now, finding the friends that I'll walk through life with, building roots, painting and writing... I think maybe I sound flaky today. I also think I'm okay with that.
Hmmm....I'd like to meet our beloved(insert sarcasm) president. I'd like to meet my dad, Ghandi, Abraham Linconln, Shakespeare, DaVinci, Empedocles, anyone I used to be in any of my past lives, Damien Rice, a guru who speaks to my soul, people who can teach me something, people who love to laugh.
I'd like to meet Ray at Bobo's for pancakes.
I'd like to meet Lissa at the exec for a drink.
I'd like to meet EJ at Sabino Canyon to contemplate the meaning of life and the human condition.
I'd like to meet new people who will mean as much as the people that I've let drift away.
I'd like to meet all sorts of new people who rock my world and knock my socks off.
Myspace Layouts
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Myspace Generators
Myspace Backgrounds
I don't watch it. Ever. I think its an inane wast of time. How bitchy is that?
Some of the favorites - Life of Pi, The Alchemist, Jitterbug Perfume (really anything by Tom Robbins), Charms For The Easy Life, Broken For You, The Time Travelers Wife, The Handmades Tale, Eat Pray Love, The Little Drummer Girl.... Goodnight Moon, Earthsong, Sophies Masterpiece, The Lupine Lady, Miss Rumphius, Nobody Rides the Unicorn, all the Potters, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, The Giving Tree..
golly - never thunk about that one -