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Bulletproof your computer with PC Vive

About Me

What is PC Vive?

PC Vive is in the game of PC survival. The patented hardware security mechanism is at the heart of PC Vive. Unlike software, PC Vive is a hardware solution that is not vulnerable to the typical threats associated with software security solutions. By running before the operating system is launched, PC Vive is capable of repairing any problems with the system without relying on the operating system. If the operating system is corrupt, software based solutions will not repair the files and the system will not boot. Using PC Vive will alleviate the risk associated with maintaining a reliable computer system.

How does PC Vive Work? PC Vive works by creating hard disk virtualization. This term simply means that the actual files are not changed while the operating system is running. Instead, the changes are stored in an unused section of the hard disk.If the system is rebooted and PC Vive repairs the system, then the virtual changes are wiped clean and the original state of the system is present. This allows the system to return to that state after each repair. If there are changes that need to be retained on the system, then a Save is performed using PC Vive and those changes are permanently stored. Once the state is saved, the system will return to the saved state after each repair.

PC Vive Facts

    PC Vive maintains a computer in a perfect state of operation. Simple to use and install. Once installed, little or no maintenance is required. Protects Hard Drive as well as CMOS data. Does not occupy any useable Hard Disk space. It can prevent low level formatting or repartitioning. Unlike most software based restore or recovery programs, it does not rely on the operating system. Harmful viruses and spyware can be removed by simply restarting the computer. It can restore a saved configuration of the Hard Drive or partition in seconds. Prevents other users from changing any system settings.

My Interests

PC Vive Affiliate Program

The PC Vive Affiliate Program offers anyone the ability to generate an additional revenue stream by signing on with today's hottest technology. Our program support a 2 tier payout structure to give you incentive to introduce the affiliate program to others. The payout structure is as follows:

Level 1 - 40%

Level 2 - 20%

For example, if you sign up your friend John and he makes a sale, he gets 40% and you get 20% of the total sale. This makes it possible for you to make money without ever selling anything!

And remember, in any case, you never touch the product, hold inventory, manage customer relationships, or invest one dollar into the program. You can sign up and introduce the product to those in your contact list, or promote the product as a full-time job. Your level of involvement is up to you...you are your own boss!

Signup Here to become part of a technology that will change how computer support is managed.

If you have any questions or issues, feel free to contact us here .

- PC Vive Sales Team


Reseller Program

PC Vive is sold and supported by certified resellers. Resellers are certified based on their ability to manage computer systems and their knowledge of the PC Vive product line.

We are proud to introduce the following resellers:

Tri Tac, Inc.
- Tampa, FL
Phone: 813-343-2207
Website: www.tri-tac.com

Geeks in Sneaks - Tampa, FL
Phone: 727-230-8000
Website: www.geeksinsneaks.com
To become a PC Vive Certified Reseller, please contact us here .