I'm not necessarily interested in shots that obviously looked posed, but rather ones that are more journalistic in their nature and hopefully show a bit of your personality. If you get an add request from me it's because I may be interested in shooting you...no games. I'm happily married and am not trying to hook up. If you're not interested, just deny the request. :)I may also request friendship if you're a photographer and I like your work.This is a new page so I need a little time to get it right...
Too many to name.
Lost, 24, The Wire, Prison Break, The Wire
Mine, of course! :) "Intimate Chaos," and "Tainted Destiny." As far as other authors, I like Brandon Massey, Tananarive Due, Octavia Butler, and I also love to read non-fiction. I read it more than I do fiction, mainly business profiles and autobiographies.Right now I have a copy of "Adobe Photoshop CS2 One-on-one" by Deke McClelland on my desk.
Gordon Parks