Darth Vader In Love Pt.1
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Robots & Zombies/Records/Star Wars/Books/Talking about the brainwashing of this county/Goole Earth/ect.....
Simpsons Star Wars
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Zapppa/CLAPTON/Zepp/Jimi/Tool/NINEINCHNAILS/Del/Floyd/Roots/ Peppers/BOB/GD/Phish/BlindMelon/Stevie/and all that other fucky shit
Anything to do with Zombies/Midnight Express/YellowSub/Fear&Lothing/HalfBaked/UpInSmoke/RINGS /TimeBandets/
Simpsons/My Name Is Earl/Office/ATHF/House/Heros
DT+ and Civil War
My mangier always tells me about running away from tigers and tanks when he was a kid, that’s cool!!!! So this weak one of my hero’s is CHP!!!!!