Hot chicks, fast cars, and sports! Is there really anything else in life for a guy?
Fave. Fast cars-
American Muscle... all I've ever owned! I've owned 12 of them and go through them like a pair of sox and bad dates! I also love 60's-70's Muscle Cars, and Italian Exotics, like Ferrari's and Lamborghini's, but haven't owned one yet...I love working on my cars, and making them look better and go faster! My Fave.type of hot chicks are-redheads, blondes, and brunettes. My favorite sports teams are theFitness is my other passion, I'm a gymoholic, and like to go running to! Lets, movies, gadgets, videogames, fashion, beaches, sushi bars, nightclubs, massage therapy, and cooking(I make a pretty good Chicken Bryan, my fave!)I'm a superfan of
long time listener, I love the show on SIRIUS! no more See you in hell Artie! I'll listen to BTLS and Ferral's show some days to.
MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Tom
Birthdate: 6-10-71
Birthplace: Bronx, NY
Current Location: Borlando, FL
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: dark blond
Height: 5' 8'
Weight: 185
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Ethnicity: cracka
Body Type: athletic/muscular
Favorite Food: pizza
Favorite Drink: Bull & Goose
Baseball Team: NY Yankees for life!
(when) Bedtime: When I'm tired.
Favorite Color(s): black, navy blue,red
Favorite Letter: x
Favorite Number: 69
Candy: dark chocolate
Favorite Animal: female cat in heat of course!
Favorite Messenger: yahoo.
Screename: Tomcat
Favorite Store: Under Armour.
Most Missed Memory:
Best Physical Feature: arms, abs, it's a secret.
Overused Phrase: Hey Now!
First Thought Waking Up: please go down, I have to pee!
Goal for this year: to have a lot of sex, and a new Corvette like every year!
Weakness: Hot chicks!
Fears: getting older, and a broken heart! border="0" alt="
Heritage: 100% Italian Stallion!
Longest Relationship: 4 long ones!
School's Name: Lake Howell High.
Favorite TV Show: Sopranos, Curb Your Enthusiasm-tie
Have You Ever....
Drank: of course!
Smoked: only to get
Dyed Your Hair: I have before.
Tried To Do The Splits: no.
Tried To Do A Backbend: no.
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: when I was little I guess.
Tried To Do A Handstand: yes, and succeded!
Tried To Act Perfect: no body's perfect!
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: I was always a bad little boy, if I got one!
Skinny Dipped: only with another girl skinny dipping!
Had Sex: gimmie a break!
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: see above answer.
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: only on the cheek, and yes I've hugged.
Been Dumped: never again!
Done Drugs: no comment.
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: girlfriend, sorry homos, no boyfriend!
Ate Sushi: Yup, love it!
Loved Someone: to much!
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: green or blue.
Fav Hair Color: red or blond-tie, brunette close 2nd.
Short or Long Hair: mid length.
Height: shorter than me.
Weight: not to much over 100!
Looks Or Personality: Looks, personality close 2nd, atleast I'm honest.
Love or Money: both, but love more.
Hot Or Cute:, but cute is much less of a PITA!
Drugs and/or Alcohol: and.
Muscular or Really Skinny: really skinny, but tone
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: both.
Random...: Hey Now!
How Do You Want To Die?: with 2 or more gorgeous women having sex!
What country do you want to Visit: Italy ,Holland, and Spain!
Been to the Mall Lately: last weekend
Do you like Thunderstorms: only to make out in.
Shower Daily: twice.
Do you Sing: only after gettin some!
Want to go to College: someday
Clothes: yankees cap, and birthday suit.
Shoes: not wearin any
Make-Up: don't need it.
Hair Do: short.
Phone: black RAZR
Phone Number: 555-6969
Location: my computer.
Weather: hot, this is FL!
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My partner in crime, and Miss Homebody wrapped up in one or 2! Someone who likes to go out and have fun sometimes, but likes to stay in and spend time together also, who can come close to keeping up with me in the bedroom, cook a good meal, and can drive stick! Lets see..a combination of Jenna Jameson, Giada De Laurentis, and Danica Patrick!
Thats not to much to ask is it? Maybe that's why I'm still single! I'm kidding, the Jenna Jameson part is all I really need! Ok, if I am being to picky, how about anyone that has some common interests with me, takes care of themself, is open minded, and is nice, and cute, that'll work! Unfortuneately, I have an insane attraction, to really bad girls though, and the badder the better!
Iheart pornstars, or any hot and cool chick. Howard Stern Show regulars, and some of my clubbin friends, from the old school, would be cool. Oh, and fakers!
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Break Beats/Vocal Trance-Paul Van Dyk, Benni Bennasi, Tiesto, Ferry Corsten, Above and Beyond, 4 Strings-to many to list! Rock/Alternative-Tool, Kid Rock, Buckcherry, Evanescence, Crystyal Method, I can work out to Metal, and wake up to Spa/Relaxing!
Here is my fave for each genre...I think!DramaThriller/HorrorSci-Fi/ActionComedyChick-FlickAdul t
My favorites are Turkey and Cheese and Chicken Parm! Ok...bad joke, gotta be Howard Stern, for his stance on fre speach, and his love of strippers, porn stars and lesbians!
also Hugh Hefner, and Derek Jeter, for being 2 of the luckiest guys ever!
What kind of muscle car are you?
1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z28
You are a 1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z28. You love your car....your friends love your car and thats whats most important to you! Your car really hauls ass! You feel bad that they aren't making Camaros anymore....but don't worry...cuz you know they'll be back!
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