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Ok, me. I was born in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina, which means.... I'm a full blooded hillbilly. However, I'm not a redneck, I don't do NASCAR and I'm not a member of the religious right. I sometimes dress funny, my feet stink and I'm weird all the way around the edges but I'm just fine. I am a mother and a grandmother. That's my granddaughter Brooke in my pics. She lives in Florida with her mom. Her dad, Ricky is my 31 year old son who lives about 3 miles from me. I also have three kids at home, Guinevere, an nine year old german shepherd, and Lancelot and Boxie, my cats. I've lived in NC, MI, AZ, MT and back to MI. Most recently, well, for the last seven years, in the Upper Peninsula.I'm the office manager for two locally owned radio stations, one is country and the other is rock. Most days it's just like any other job but sometimes it's a pretty cool job to have. How lucky am I?? Check us out at If you are at all interested in the Western and Central Upper Peninsula, be it for fun and recreation, as a place to be one with the wild U.P., or even if you're interested in local happenings and the Upper Peninsula way of life, give us a listen online Monday thru Friday, 10:00am est to 11:00am est, at just click on the streaming link.I believe we're all here to make a difference and I want my time here to be such that when I'm gone, I'll have left a positive footprint. I will always share a smile and good word with those I meet along the way and never shy away from giving of myself. Everything matters, even the little things that may seem insignificant can often produce profound results.I believe in global warming. Been called a treehugger more times than I could count but I don't take offense.Buried at PhotoCasket.comGot busted skipping school in ninth grade, March of 1993 when my mom saw me on the six o'clock news at a Greenpeace rally in downtown Detroit. I was protesting in the freezing rain, against the harp seal slaughter in Canada and that disgusting act is still in practice in 2007 I've not been quiet since. I think everybody should love everybody. It's plain, it's simple, there ya go.....I like happy. I think it looks good on people, inside and out. I believe you have to appreciate ALL that you have, no matter how much or how little that may be. I am a very fortunate person, in that I have a wonderful circle of friends, both old and new, who inspire me and support me and most of all, love me because I am me. I live in an absolutely beautiful dot on the globe. I'm sitting here as I write this watching a whitetail doe and her 2 yearlings out my window. There's a blanket of fresh snow on the ground and the junkos, purple finches, gold finches and wrens have dealt with standing room only at the bird feeders all day long. I have a nice warm fire going in the stove and Nora Jones on the stereo. How could I not be happy?I'm a sucker for kids, animals and old people and I believe we should ALL be much more mindful of taking better care of ALL of them. Those who can't, depend on those of us who can.I love the northwoods, my job and the friends I've made here. I live where most people come to vacation so one would be hard pressed to not like it here. Summers are absolutely beautiful and there's always water to cool off in whether it's a river or a lake. Winters are beautiful as well. It gets pretty cold here in the winter though and I HATE to be cold, so I've come to love my silk longjohns, my sorels, wool socks and the woodstove that I often consider as my "best friend in the whole world". I have to drive thirty miles to find the closest traffic light and I love being able to walk my dog on the shores of The Big Lake. Who knows what the future holds but for the time being, I think I'll continue to call da U.P. home. Don't get me wrong, I love the city too. I do occasionally venture into the otherworld for a visit to a museum, maybe do some shopping, go to a concert or to see a show and have dinner,to visit with faraway friends. But I like the day to day of life here in the northwoods.I can change my own oil but I prefer to have Quickie Lube do it for me. I can cut, split, haul and stack wood and I know my way around when it comes to cooking on a woodstove. I heated and cooked with nothing but wood for the first 6 years I lived here in da U.P..I've always been one to speak my mind. I'm typically the one to say what other people think but either don't have the guts to say or who have the good sense not to say. Mama always said speaking your mind is a good thing as long as you're not mean or spiteful, and I guess I took it to heart, as any good daughter should.
HOT Myspace Layouts
I believe in karma so I try to only put out what I want back.