ADD MECHANCOCKHALLOWEENFilmmaking, Directing, Scriptwriting, Performing, Dancing, skateboard, art, French, Boy Scouts and Math. I would like to be able to travel to film movies and meet everyone in my friends list.PHFPBSSTU1STU2STU3CF
NBJohnny Depp, Leonardo Di Caprio, Jim Carey, Mike Myers, Scorcese, Tarantino, French Directors and Producers, Horror film directors and producers, Ellen, Indie filmmakersNDMPSHAKESPEAREMMCASTMILA'SMIKEB
BBBMTShaggy, Billy Tallent, Billy Idol, Greenday, Nickleback, Rock, I hope to soon be as good as Keith Moon and play in a great rock band.DAG
PFJInterview with a Vampire, Nightmare before Christmas, James and the Giant Peach, Near Dark, Alvin and the ChipmunksARNS
HB Heros, Moonlight, Smallville, Ghost Whisperer, Cartoons, Next Top Model, Supernatural, hockeySP
OPDBChaire de poule, Stephen King, Harry Potter,CTGM
VTCWGod*, My mom,Iceboy, Dracula, Capt.CanuckLWiiCMSGJHMICHAEL CANDYPOSTERYOUNGMIKEMONSTERMyersHalloweenLegion of MichaelMYSPACEHPostcardBannerCAPIQSalsaBG
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