Art, music, spiritual interests, mythology, folklore, and education. Oh yeah and life interests me a whole lot. especially the part where i open my eyes in the morning and begin moving about.that is the most interesting thing for me, as well as everything that takes place after. Time and space are interesting to me. Even though I occupy that only infintesmly small part of space and time, it still interests me a lot lately.
People. People with legs and arms and heads, and people who are adept at moving those parts about. People with mouths, but not those who misuse their mouths, by flapping them constantly with no real useful content ever coming out. Also, people with minds, not ordinary television, ipod stuffed minds, but those willing to venture to the borders of their own limitations. Also people who need people, their the luckiest people in the world. but I do not want to meet Barbara Streisand, unless she calls first. php?id=5920
Guitar Music man (I am an avid player of fingerstyle)—Progressive rock, classical music, folk, jazz, outsider rock, world music and anything good. I hate most pop and expecially cannot stomach opera. King Crimson, Dead Can Dance, Steve Hackett, Michael Hedges, Alex DeGrassi, Don Ross, Andy McKee, Antoine duFour, Movie Soundtracks, Preston Reed, Leo Kotke, Andre Segovia, Carrulli, Carcassi, Dowland, Pink Floyd, Gentle Giant, Nasrat Fatah Ali khan, Hamsa Al Din, Peter Gabriel, Nick Drake and especially my own guitar meanderings. I have played besides classic and steel string guitar, harmonica, recorder, reed flutes, dumbek and the persian tar.
Fellini, Gilliam, Burton, Brothers Quay, Coen Bros, Wachowski Bros, Junet, film noire, Aronofsky, independent, foreign, and good documentaries. Svankmajer, great animation like the Fleischers, the Russians, Trnka, Pal and Miyasaki.
Don't have a TV. Everytime I get in front of one, I remember why i got rid of it in the first place. TV is a mind numbing, advertising box whose only purpose is to get you to go out and buy crap, buy drugs (RX) and be too tired to raise your voice in opposition. And don't tell me how much you love the History Channel. Read a book. And reality shows are not reality.
Vonnegut, Folk Tales, graphic novels,biographies of artists, history, Howard Zinn, Walter Mosely and the occasional Ludlum. I will read most anything these days. I mostly study music and worrk on my drawings, but I will read mythology, or an occasional sci fi, spiritual treatises, and if i can get them in the library, some political satire such as Franken and Moore. Reading books on Physics lately (currently Death by Black Hole by Neil Degrasse Tyson). Now I am on a history kick: recently read River of doubt about Teddy Roosevelt on th Amazon River and just finished Charles C. Mann's "1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus"
Alexandra David Neel, Lizelle Reymond, Frank Zappa, Robert Fripp, Robert Crumb, Rumi, Peter Bruegal, Max Ernst, Hieronymous Bosch, Rembrandt, Gurdjieff, the Rennaisance, Giotto, Ruebens, Picasso, Tanguy, Dado, Batman, Jerry B, Albrect Durer and Noah Zeines.