I (that's me Michele) live in the Barossa Valley, one of Australia's leading wine regions, with my husband Trevor. Trevor is a vigneron and his grapes have produced some of the best wine in the region. His 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon has won 3 awards including a Gold Medal at the 2007 Brisbane Wine Show. His shiraz grapes are also outstanding, going into premium wines.
We also have a small olive orchard, which produce excellent oil. We get enough oil for family use, as well as enough left over to sell to a local olive oil company.
Second Life!!!!
I've been playing SecondLife now for nearly a month, and have met (that's probably not quite the right word here - LOL) a lot of very nice people.
I have written a short blog on my impressions of SecondLife so far. If you're interested, have a read. Will also upload in the next day or so photos of Sharayah!!!!!
I'm passionate about our *Ne**wa*ys business:
Trevor and I are both passionate about our *Ne**wa*ys business and in particular the products. Several years ago we were looking around for personal care products that didn't contain potentially harmful ingredients. (Heck if you can minimise your exposure, why not!!!).
Anyway we had a lot of trouble finding any company that actually made these products. By chance we went to a seminar one evening on chemicals, and discovered that there indeed is a company out that made exactly what we were looking for.
We love the products so much and have had excellent results, that we can't help tell other people about it. Trevor has a fairly physical job, and previously would come home at times, tired and exhausted. However, that no longer happens now and we have noticed that we both rarely get sick, or even get a cold anymore.
I'm passionate about my computer - LOL
My Favourite Places:
My favourite overseas holiday destinations are Disneyland and Disneyworld - just wished we lived closer!!!! I dream of being a Florida resident and living at Celebration so we could dash over to the Magic Kingdom whenever we wanted!!!
My favourite Australian state is Queensland. My most liked capital city is Sydney. I couldn't live in Melbourne or Canberra or Tasmania - too cold!!!! Darwin is addictive, Perth is beautiful and the state unique, and good ol' South Australia, it's just there, in the middle (Adelaide has some fantastic bike riding tracks!!!).
Three of my favourite quotes are by Walt Disney:
- All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.If you can dream it, you can do it.Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse