I am always asked, "Blake, What exactly do you do?"
So, here are my companies...
--> http://www.PathConnect.com
My name is Blake Mallen and I live in San Diego & Newbury Park, CA. I have an office out of Beverly Hills, but spend most of my time traveling around the US aggressively growing a start-up company. I am fascinated by people and what makes them tick. I enjoy learning and constantly improving, firmly believing that one is either moving forward, or going backward, but never standing still. I will work eight to faint for a good cause, and have a passion for creation and inspiration. I can be labeled as a work-o-holic, but find that title hard to accept since I only do what I love, nothing more, but nothing less. I value mentorship, desire, integrity, and the willingness to take risks that can yield reward. I operate under the principle that furthest we have ever gone is only the beginning of how far we are capable of going...
Tell me what gets you up in the morning..?