Profile GeneratorBeen living in Heeley, Sheffield for nearly a year now. I work for a company called Riviera Multimedia in Barnsley. It's office based, but I get to work with bands and do artwork, and generally make CD's and DVD's for people. All the staff are great too, so I enjoy it.
I play with my band hooker Bentley as often as possible. We've finally managed to produce our debut album, titled "Miles Underground". It only took us two years. Slack bastards. Anyway, now that it's done we can push it as much as possible and see what happens. Should be fun. We play sporadic gigs around Sheffield and should be booking a tour in the summer.
I also play football when we get the numbers, which has been less than I would like recently. A few of us play snooker every week too. Feel free to challenge?
Anyway, leave me loads of abuse and I will undoubtedly return the favour...