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How can i possibly even tell you. To hear how my voice works go to danielwell.com to see how my hand

About Me

i love my life... my family, my voicework, my shops, friends, my music... i wake up every morning....grateful.the things i am most proud of? in no particular order...jaidens petals. the alternative bedtime hour. turning scary old houses with beautiful bones into homes that we've enjoyed. a voice job i once did for chris mavridis at cbs news. my homemade pizza. a song i wrote with my husband and reiner shwartz. growing silver lace vines in every place i've ever lived. a painting that i did when i was pregnant with my daughter. cindiloowho. a letter i once wrote to gary slaight (he laughed). a walk at 3:00 in the morning thru downtown toronto. my sisters accomplishments.more to come.... Contact Tables a

My Interests

if you're up for an art adventure the a.w.o.l. collective, brandon steen, magda trzaski,otherwise.... the sky, the trees, chenille, discovering a new sound, my daughters laugh, my husbands wit, aquariums, organic spices, new york, paris, the north east coast of spain, roadtrips, losing it, getting it back, a loyalist shack we once had in prince edward county, knowing that my grandfather is always with me, a moment alone, getting older, feeling younger, where we came from and where we're going....

I'd like to meet:

well, trudeau is dead....mmmm....trent reznor...believe it or not, still haven't talked to him...the lady on the corner seems interesting....clinton maybe, george for certain...let me think about it some more.


where do i begin..... nine inch nails, fiona apple, prince, deftones, parliament, cocteau twins, david bowie, dresden dolls, arcade fire, neil finn, lauren hill, mix in a healthy dose of jazz, trip hop, gimmicky pop, grunge, dark 80's and 90's sounds and you kind of have me.....


to catch a thief, all about eve, bladerunner, the shawshank redemption (there is something about morgan freemans narration that still makes me smile) contact, dead man walking, most films by tim burton especially nightmare before christmas and corpse bride, supersize me, bowling for columbine, its a wonderful life, the list goes on and on....


the colbert report, the daily show, six feet under, the national, the hour, the sopranos, the food network in general and thats pretty much all i have time for.....


David Bowie - Extras

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those who work with their hands and head

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My Blog


She's absolutely beautiful... charming... insanely dedicated to her work... i would see her up at six a.m. and awake until 3:00 a.m. calling every corner and crevice of this world... she saved me, sh...
Posted by dani on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 07:56:00 PST

good neighbours...

i just came from lily and joses' party.... what a great vibe... a solid mixture of book types, musicians, artists... some from the neighbourhood, some not. the thing i have noticed about lily and ...
Posted by dani on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 08:29:00 PST

osssington 2

there is an old alley way that faces our first store "cindiloowho" and last nite i sat at the edge of it and watched the nite pass by. 5 to 10 years ago i would sit and stare at 4 or 5dark, desperate...
Posted by dani on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:19:00 PST

The Space

We're looking for you to contribute your audiothoughts on various subjects for possible futurebroadcast. Every so often we'll pose a questionand we need you via any means possible(remember we're looki...
Posted by dani on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 05:30:00 PST


wow... i've just experienced my first taste of identity theft. someone in nigeria via the u.s., wentinto my ebay account, figured out my password and then started buying up all kinds ofcool shit....f...
Posted by dani on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 04:28:00 PST


its 5:30 in the morning and i'm up. And while i must confess, i am a night owl by nature, the sounds and smells of this precious morning aren't completely foreign, it is calm and different and ... wel...
Posted by dani on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 02:51:00 PST

saturn return...

i once interviewed the witch wife of jim morrison for a cbc show i was doing at the time, andshe told me about saturn return.. from what i remember, the theory is that when you are born the planet s...
Posted by dani on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:21:00 PST

on my watch...

i'm watching you, watch them. and even tho, i know in my heart, that they have been devious andclumsy with their actions, i somehow want to protect them. open the door, run across the boundaries and...
Posted by dani on Wed, 16 May 2007 12:19:00 PST


big word. lots of weight. well, for a moment today, i felt it. and the worst part is that my life is so entrenched with this person that i couldn't even confront them about it... the domino effect ...
Posted by dani on Fri, 11 May 2007 09:04:00 PST

hilary vs. obama

i'm always uncomfortable when people say.... if only women ran the world, it would be amuch safer place. in general, because i'm a mom, raised by strong women, i get the concept, to some extent I ev...
Posted by dani on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:28:00 PST