maxis of evil profile picture

maxis of evil

My actions speak louder than words

About Me

growing up, changing it up. Realize that I don't fit in boxes, and I don't want to. Trying to accept where I come from, my limitations, and hoping to reach my potential. i love the earth, my passion is sustaining its magnificence,its wilderness and all of its inhabitants. If i was made of play dough i would have a kid reconstruct me as anything they choose. i don't have a label but i would circle my "A's" if this program had that option.

My Interests

reading, playing, eating, teaching, resisting.

I'd like to meet:

more folks in struggle


punk, folk, indie rock, hip hop and you dont stop.


Come watch radical films with me at The Long Haul(3124 Shattuck Ave.) Every Wednesday but the first of the month at 8:00pm! in the next few months we are watching: Sharkwater, Black August, Tin Drum, Chicago 10, Catching Out, Still We Ride, B.I.K.E., Attica, Berkeley in the 60's, Voces Innocentes.


lost, the wire, weeds, and some trashy shows im embarrassed to list.


With friends I am starting a radical zine distro to send to prisoners in California. I'm reading a lot of zines right now to figure out what we want to include. I am also attending the Anarchist Study Group at the Long Haul. Books are super important in my life, and are pivotal in my learning process.


recently its been my friends and acquaintances that inspire me to keep going.

My Blog

love and capitalism

The ups and downs, and unpredictability of it all makes it impossible to know how to invest.  One minute things are looking strong, and the next it is another depression.  And the really twi...
Posted by maxis of evil on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:10:00 PST

reconstruction period

So I have so much stuff to work on.  There are things that I am not prepared to do. Accountability is not easy.  This covers all sections of my life. The most mundane to the most intimate. M...
Posted by maxis of evil on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:43:00 PST


I am on this kick that i don't have to necessarily include myself as belonging to the categories of white, male,and straight that are also categories of power that made and su...
Posted by maxis of evil on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 12:22:00 PST


Trapped but free how can this be My eyes are able to see so much farther and my heart is able to ache so much harder then what is actually in front of me tangibly in the moment of this hour But s...
Posted by maxis of evil on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 02:12:00 PST


    Since late August I have been subjected to a meat grinder day in day out.  Another way to describe my life would be to say that i am in two grad schools.  This needs mor...
Posted by maxis of evil on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:07:00 PST