Musik machen und hören, Manga und Anime, lesen, Konzerte besuchen, RPG usw.
das Universum!
Project Pitchfork, And One, Billy Joel, Covenant, Lacrimosa, Stochastic System, ISC, Zeromancer, Welle:Erdball, Blank Promise, Unto Ashes, Oomph!, La Casa Del Cid, Apoptygma Berzerk, De/Vision, Qntal, mesh, Zeraphine, Die Happy, Unheilig, ASP, Hocico, Rabia Sorda, Girls under Glass, After Forever, uvm.
The Crow, Star Wars, Star Trek, Shaun of the Dead, Vampir-Filme, Matrix-Trilogie, Happy End, Ringu (jap. Originalfilme), Ju-on, Dark Water, The Call, Clockwork Orange, Shining, 2001: A space odyssee, Silent Hill, From Hell, Pirates of the Caribbean I + II, Scrooged, Indiana Jones I - III, School of Rock, Life of Brian, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Shrek I + II, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Ghostbusters I + II, Evolution, Bad Boys, Die Hard I - III, Batman begins, Equilibrium, American Psycho, Blade I + II, Sleepy Hollow, Final Destination, Jeepers Creepers, Prinzessin Mononoke, Das wandelnde Schloss, Nausicaä aus dem Tal der Winde, Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland, Spriggan, Jin-Roh, Akira, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter I - IV, Pan's Labyrinth, Theatre of Blood, uvm.
Star Trek, Mystery-Serien, Raumpatrouille, The Simpsons, South Park,
Sinclair-Romane und -Taschenbücher (ja, genau, die 'Schund'- bzw. 'Groschen'-Romane),"Harry Potter"-Romane, Dan Brown-Romane, Bücher über Geschichte, Mystery-Thriller, Manga, Herr der Ringe, der komplette "Anhalter"-Zyklus, Vampir-Romane, SF-Romane, Fantasy-Romane, H. Hesse - Siddhartha,
We're all heroes!