MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts ************************************************** HIYA EVERYONE! THIS BANNOR HAS A CODE IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO ADD ME TO YOUR SITE. OR, YOU CAN COPY AND PASTE, SEND TO YOUR FILES AND CREATE YOUR OWN CODE. I'D LOVE TO VISIT YOUR SITE IF YOU'LL HAVE ME. SMILE! : ) **************************************************
.. MySpace Comments Graphics .. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH**OBESITY**ARTHRITIS & ME! Hello, my name is Rene'e, thanks for stopping by. I've been battling OBESITY for 26 years. One morning in March of 2002 I woke up and decided I wanted to live for the first time in my life. I was tired of living a life of depression. I was drowning in my own fat. I'd had ENOUGH! I knew I was the only one who could make myself well. All the energy I wasted wishing I was dead should have been applied to making myself well. It took me a long time to get here, but I'm here and I'm living for the first time in my life. In 1997 I weighed 450 PLUS pounds, and wore a size 60. I'm proud to say I'm down to 160 pounds, I'm wearing a size 8/10 in jeans and size med in tops for the first time since I was 17 teen. I'm 49 years old, and I may have to live with arthritis but, I'm NOT wasting any more years on obesity! I'm not stopping till I get to a body I'm comfortable with. Then and only then will I finally be FREE. "I am proud to say I lost this weight on my own! No support! No friends! No surgeries! No pills! No Help! Just good old fashion determination and the desire to be thin and healthy." Anyone can do anything they put their mind to. The mind is a powerful tool. It can make you or break you. How you choose to live your life will not only affect you but everyone around you. Once you can taste on the tip of your tongue how bad you want it, that's when your journey will begin.I spent 26 YEARS running from my life, while I let OBESITY run my world. I used FOOD as my drug to ease all the stress, pain and drama in my life. I was in a wheelchair for 7 years while sleeping in a hospital bed. I've lived the last TWELEVE YEARS in CHRONIC PAIN with RA, OSTEO, FIBROMYALGIA, OSTEOPOROSIS, SCOLIOSIS, BURSITIS, & GOUT along with CHRONIC FATIGUE, ASTHMA & EMPHYSEMA and, CHRONIC RESSLESS LEG SYNDROME. In March of 2002 I finally said, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! That's the day I took control of my life, I fought back against Obesity and my 'JOURNEY' began. YOU CAN TOO!I'm writing a book that come hell or high water I will release in 2008. It's deep, it's real, it's about the true reality of being OBESE, and how it can affect you MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY, AND MEDICALLY. I will walk you through my world, and let you see what 26 years of obesity has cost me. I hope that through my eyes, I can show a young teen or a young adult, anyone for that matter, the FUTURE, and let you see what could happen if you don't take care of YOU now! ABOUT ME: I strive for success. I love a challenge. Achievements and accomplishments is food for the heart, mind and soul. I'm a very strong willed person who doesn't take anything sitting down. I believe everyone has a purpose in life, were all here for a reason, and I believe in making the best out of every situation. I'm a lover by nature, I don't like conflict. I'm a good hearted person by nature but don't cross me. Hurt me once, shame on you, hurt me twice, shame on me, hurt me a third time, well, there isn't a 3rd time. I am the positive side of a Libra though and through, I am the scale without a doubt. I love people, life in general, having fun, horse back riding, fast cars and motorcycles. Good friends mean the world to me. Lovers come and go but good friends love you forever. I am proud to say that I was featured in Good Housekeeping .., in July 2006 as their weight loss of the month. Three Hundred pounds lighter as I became GH highest weight loss ever. Check it out, articles/0,,284561_698566,00.html I am also proud to say that I was featured on the front page of our Times-Herald news paper in Vallejo California on April 11,2005 for my weight loss success. One of the happiest moments of my life to see the thin me on the front page of our newspaper. Plus, I've published serveral letter's in the Times-Herald Opinion section on several different topics from 2004 though 2006. Goes to show there is nothing in this world we can't accomplish! Keep the Faith, Peace Rene'e "I KNOW WHERE I'VE BEEN-I KNOW WHERE I'M AT-I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING!" "FREE YOUR HEART-CHANGE YOUR WORLD-EVERYONE HAS THE POWER TO CHANGE!"
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