So, this is the famous daughter speaking; you know, the one that NEVER lets her on the computer. Haha, but my mom's not one to speak about herself; so I'll tell you who she is. She's my best friend, & the best one I could ask for. She listens to anything & everything someone has to say with an open mind. She's emotionally the strongest woman I know, & I just know my Nana's looking down on her with a smile(: She does everything she can to let us know we're loved, & she never fails to brighten our day. She loves good music. Did she tell y'all she could paint? SHE CAN! Ahh, she's an amazing writer also. No matter what, she looks at the positive side of things & keeps a very optimistic attitude. She keeps a smile on her face, even when she's kinda down & out about things. She doesn't like watching gory stuff, & Extreme Makeover Home Edition always brings tears to her eyes. If she could, she'd save the world. If she does something, she does it the best she can. She gives great words of wisdom, like .. uplifting kind of stuff, ya know? She's just .. AMAZING (: get to know her, you won't regret it. - ♥, Tori
My Hidden Magic
What is your hidden magic? PreminisionsYou hold a very special gift. That gut feeling that somthing is going to happen, isn't just a gut feeling. Somtimes you can even see something happen before it does. Like a strong deja vu. You can build this ability by exploring it. Don't be affraid that somone wont believe you, tell somone! It may even suprise you! If I were you I would buy a deck of tarot cards, and study about them. I bet your ...
Myspace Quizzes