Charlie Lucky
People Iced: Twenty Nine
Car Bombs Planted: Seven
Favorite Weapon Bowling Balls
Arms Broken: Thirty Two
Eyes Gouged: Thirteen
Tongues Cut Off: One
Biggest Enemy: Knee Bender
Get Your HITMAN Name
What Your Underwear Says About You
Admit it, you've dreamed of being a underwear model.
You're sexy, in that pinup girl, tease sort of way.
The Underwear Oracle
You Are 72% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.
How Evil Are You?
Well if you really want to know, you can always ask. But here a list of random things that make me who I am:I'm indecisive.
I'm easily swayed and for that reason I don't watch infomercials.
I have a love affair/obsession with shoes.
But I also love to be barefoot.
I am learning to love my body.
I have delusions of grandeur.
I daydream.
I wish I could live in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.
I don't get paid enough.
I have neat handwriting.
I am constantly bored, even when I'm busy.
I live at Procrastination Station.
I wish I could sing and I try desperately when no one is around.
I want to play piano.
I've always wanted to be an assassin or a vampire.
Or a hobo.
I am currently a pirate in training.
Serious people scare me.
I get along better with men than women.
I am scared to become jaded.
But I'm pretty sure I'm already more than halfway there.
I believe in faeries.
And ghosts.
And Fate.
I bejeweled my cell phone with Swarovski crystals.
I have been accused of being a label whore.
I have been accused of being a whore.
I am determined to be in Playboy.
I love chocolate.
I wear Old Spice deodorant because I think it smells sexy.
I have an obsession with dental hygiene.
I am a sucker for blue eyes.
When it is dark and no one is around, I look just like a Victoria's Secret model.
I want to be kissed in the pouring rain.
My dog has a spotted tongue and six toes on each of her back feet, and I love her more for it.
I bought a corset and want to wear it all the time.
I am terrified of grasshoppers.
I have it in me to be a domestic goddess.
But the feminist part of me won't allow it.
I have never broken a bone.
I cry when I drink red wine.
I am a two beer queer.
I love to dance.
I cry when I see animals get hurt in movies, but not people.
I own a pink hammer.
I am bossy.
I love to lay under the stars.
I am superstitious.
I didn't lead a very sheltered life.
I believe in reincarnation.
I believe in happy endings.
My mom is one of my best friends.
I want to learn to swing dance.
I regret nothing.
I adore hugs.
I am a bitch.
I want my life to be like the movies.
I almost joined the Peace Corps.
I want to learn Italian.
I learned to make bread from scratch and now I have a Betty Crocker complex.
I think smart people are sexy.
I can be immature.
I love life.