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Precious and sacred are all deeds, woven into form in the name of Love.

About Me

...Love--Thy will be done...
That I want thee, only thee--let my heart repeat without end,

All desires that distract me, day and night, are false and empty at the core.
As the night keeps hidden in it's gloom the petition for light,
Even thus in the depth of my unconsciousness rings the cry--I want thee, only thee.
As the storm still seeks it's end in peace when it strikes against peace with all it's might,
Even thus my rebellion strikes against thy love and still it's cry is--I want thee, only thee.
By Rabindranath Tagore
If you would like more information about Bhagavan Sri Pranananda, please visit His official website:
...In loving memory of our dear brother Jasha Japp-Young...
With all the love in our hearts, we honor the greatness of your Angelic soul.
1991 - 2007
2008 - The Year of Rebirth, New Years Eve dispensation.
Part 1.
If you would like to view part 2 and 3 of the Year of Rebirth, please go to www.myspace.com/pranananda
All my love,
The Everlasting Covenant
In the name of the I AM That I AM
And in the name of All that Is
I do hereby lay claim
To my divine birthright and destiny
As guardian and emissary of the
Power, wisdom, and love of Mother-Father God.
It is with pure and surrendered heart
That I call unto Thee, Beloved of my soul,
To bear witness to this everlasting oath
I now resound throughout the heavens:
Take me.
All that I AM
All that I was
All that I shall ever be
I give unto You, my Lord God.
I do hereby surrender
My free will into Thine
To live and reign as One.
Let my thoughts be only Yours
My words the same
And my deeds all-the-more
For I proclaim before You, this day,
To now walk as Thee
In full radiance and splendor
To glorify my name as Thine
And to serve Thee, the God in me,
With all of my being.
I do hereby release
Any claims made against Thee
Originating in separate existence from Thee
As do I, likewise, surrender all desire
Save that which is Yours for me.
I surrender unto Thee
All prior embodiments
As well as this life I now live
With thanks and praise
For what they have bequeathed unto my soul.
It is with consummate joy
That I accept these gifts as my own truth
Now freely choosing to walk this plane
Before the Light of all creation
As the embodiment of unconditional love.
Forged by the very hand of God
Shall this covenant live and reign forever
As the oath and promise of my ascension.
Praise be to God
And peace to all peoples on Earth.
Hosannah in the Highest.
- Louix Dor Dempriey
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.
By Emily Dickinson
You Are Powerful Beyond Measure
All of the Cosmos surrounds and revolves around you and is ordained and directed by your every thought, your every intention—conscious and unconscious. You direct all the atoms, all the molecules, and even the primal force of Creation, every moment of your life. That is how much power—Divine power—every human being wields.
Not only Masters in the process of being restored to their inherent divinity, but also Creators, are thee. Let that knowingness guide your choices in life, as you realize the power and consequence living within each one of them. Thus, in any moment of Your life, if you stop and reflect upon your circumstances and find disfavor with them, you need only to make better choices—kinder ones, more loving ones, more selfless ones, and ones that are more deeply connected to the heart, mind, and will of God. And so it follows that all circumstances will then, once again, reflect the very same.
Regardless of your understanding of this principle, or your comfort with its effects, remember, in every given moment and in every given circumstance, to feel duly blessed and grateful, for there is an inherent perfection in each and every circumstance, in each and every moment of your life. Knowing this, and living by this credo, brings you peace—deep, inner peace—regardless of circumstance…and in every circumstance.
- Louix Dor Dempriey
~~ The Age of Love - interview with Pranananda ~~
My Song - Rabindranath Tagore
This song of mine will wind its music around you,
my child, like the fond arms of love.
The song of mine will touch your forehead
like a kiss of blessing.
When you are alone it will sit by your side and
whisper in your ear, when you are in the crowd
it will fence you about with aloofness.
My song will be like a pair of wings to your dreams,
it will transport your heart to the verge of the unknown.
It will be like the faithful star overhead
when dark night is over your road.
My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes,
and will carry your sight into the heart of things.
And when my voice is silenced in death,
my song will speak in your living heart.
1. Because He loves me
2. Because He is Meticulous in everything He does
3. Because He is unfaultable in His integrity
4. Because He cares for every soul as if they were His own flesh
5. Because He puts in 100% effort into all tasks
6. Because of His patience
7. Because He transmutes our karma
8. Because His love is unconditional
9. Because He allows us free will
10. Because He is helping us realize our dharma
11. Because everything He does is to serve humanity
12. Because He lifted Himself up from the illusion
13. Because His soul purpose is to lift us out as well
14. Because He orchestrates our lives for growth and healing
15. Because He blesses us with His physical presence
16. Because He does whatever it takes
17. Because He bares His soul with all who seek Truth
18. Because He never steps out of Love
19. Because He is a flawless example of Truth
20. Because of His faith in us
21. Because of His courage
22. Because He exists
23. Because He saved my life
24. Because He is playful
25. Because He can dance
26. Because He has a great sense of humor
27. Because He is everything we ever need in any moment
28. Because He shines God’s light upon the world
29. Because He blesses us with His words of wisdom
30. Because He is so childlike
31. Because He is timeless
32. Because He is a father
33. Because He is a mother
34. Because He is a best friend
35. Because He is a lover
36. Because of His love for His family
37. Because the children come first with Him
38. Because He is a terrific father to His three children
39. Because He is gentle
40. Because He makes time to be a husband
41. Because the rest of the time He is God and Guru
42. Because His heart is so open
43. Because He never gives up on us
44. Because He moves us through our barriers
45. Because He removes our non-loving behavior patterns
46. Because His door is open to all
47. Because He loves Nature
48. Because He is One with all life
49. Because He sucks out our impurities
50. Because He takes on our illnesses
51. Because He likes Motown music
52. Because He is so human
53. Because His focus never wavers
54. Because He shares His own journey to Illumination
55. Because He instills faith in us
56. Because He was an actor…
57. And a landscaper…
58. And a waiter
59. Because He has tried it all
60. Because He always looks so beautiful
61. Because I can feel Him around me always
62. Because He comes into our dreams
63. Because His work is never done
64. Because He never once complains
65. Because He is so detached
66. Because of His generosity
67. Because He gives us tools to transcend our ego
68. Because no matter what we do, He is still loving us
69. Because He is never deterred by our lack of respect and discipline
70. Because He forgives everything
71. Because He sings silly songs
72. Because He loves His garden
73. Because He keeps growing as we do
74. Because He is so free
75. Because He never gets angry
76. Because He will risk it all for love
77. Because He is so intelligent…
78. Yet He can relate to anyone on any level
79. Because He created the Ashram
80. Because now I have a home in His heart
81. Because He deserves more respect than we give Him, yet He still holds us in His heart
82. Because He is God
83. Because I’ve seen Him as a man…
84. And in the next moment as a mountain…
85. And then as an animal
86. Because He chooses to be here on Earth
87. Because He is a constant joy
88. Because He goes “above and beyond” all the time for us
89. Because He will take a stab in the back the same way as a hug from the heart—with respect and love
90. Because He is my greatest teacher
91. Because He is my greatest friend
92. Because He is limitless
93. Because He is the World Teacher…
94. Yet he is ever humble
95. Because He will not stop until we are all saved
96. Because He welcomes all with loving arms
97. Because He loves all of God’s creatures equally
98. Because He is obedient to God’s will
99. Because He runs around like a fairy
100. Because He is the best thing I’ve ever seen, heard, or felt
101. Because He has opened my heart
102. Because He gave me a reason to live
103. Because everything He says is perfect
104. Because He is totally selfless
105. Because He is romantic and magically in love with His Beloved
106. Because He sees only Love
107. Because without Him I would be lost
108. Because I cannot help being in love with Him.
In the arms of God,
Are you held
In the eyes of God,
Are you adored
In the heart of God
Do you dwell
Now and forever more.
A moment with God
A moment, sweet moment I hold dearest to my heart,
One to keep for quiet times,
One that shines bright in the dark,
One most Blessed moment,
Though I have had now, quite a few,
The moment, sacred moment,
When the veils slipped away,
I held His gaze,
And I watched God Loving me,
Just seconds, sweet seconds, yet time holds no sway here.
The moment, sweet moment,
That embraces all fears,
And mothers the child in her weary times,
Touching the vast depths of my soul,
Renewing my dreams,
An ambush on my heart, while my mind was at rest,
An enchanting declaration of a bond that spans forever.
The moment, sacred moment,
When the veils slipped away,
I gazed into His eyes,
And I watched God Loving me,
Just seconds, sweet seconds, yet time holds no sway here.
This moment, sweet moment,
The one to cling to,
Where God stole the stage
And Whispered silent gospels of the Love of all Loves,
Daring me to believe,
I could release my whole world here,
To hold the sweetest moment, just a little while still.
The one to keep for quiet times,
One that shines bright in the dark,
The moment, sacred moment,
When the veils slipped away,
I held God’s gaze,
And watched Me Loving me.
-By Bonny
Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless."
***Mother Teresa ***
You that have walked
On four legs and
Flown on feathered wings,
Now walk the path
Of remembrance.
Do so in gentleness,
For you can not
Imagine what you
Are yet to be...
By ClearWater

My Interests

Always give another the opportunity to recreate himself as Love in every given moment.

-Louix Dor Dempriey

I am interested in all that is beautiful, pure and true. In all pursuits that bring me and all people, greater love, truth and happiness.
The truest joy, grace and happiness I continually experience is when I hold trust in my heart, when I take leaps of faith and when I let God and my Soul’s plan for me unfold and enjoy the journey. Then my world is filled with such ease, such flow and such wonder. When I surrender the “fight” and let go of my fears that is when I find myself free. That is when I find myself whole and filled with love. That is when I find Myself...
After much searching, surprising to my mind as it was, the things that bring me the most happiness ended up being, the simplest and most innocent things.
I love the beach—any water really. I love being in nature. I'm continuously not watching where I am going when I walk because I am captivated by the sky, and the amazing shades and textures of the clouds with the sun, or the stars. I love being in the forest, and the deafening renewing silence you hear when you are in such a place.
My heart aches with love when I sing, tis’ the quickest tool to open and expand my heart.
I adore all of the spontaneous and playful antics, things filled with joy, creativity and child-like wonder :)

I'd like to meet:

Your ego at times may kick and may scream,

All I ask is that you hold on to Me.

Your souls, like the sun shines out so bright,

Illuminating even your darkest of nights.

With pure intent and a heart of gold,

In God's house, may your wings unfold.

Beloved Angel hear My plea,

It's time to come home, I shall set you free.

Within you exists the wisdom of ages,

It's now time to illumine these dusty pages.

Rejoice my beloved and then you shall see,

The path of grace will set you free

- Bonny (a channelled poem 2006)

~~ Interview with Pranananda on Enlightenment ~~

"No act of kindness ,
no matter how small,
is ever wasted"


Unending Love
~ by Rabindranath Tagore
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms,

numberless times...

in life after life,

in age after age, forever.

My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs,

that you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms,

in life after life,
in age after age,


Song to the Inner Child

How could anyone ever tell you
You were anything less than beautiful
How could anyone ever tell you
You were less than whole
How could any one fail to notice
that your loving is a miracle
How deeply you’re connected to my soul

By Libby Roderick

You fill up my senses like a night in the forest,
like the mountains in springtime, like a walk in the rain,
like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean.
You fill up my senses, come fill me again.

Come let me love you, let me give my life to you,
let me drown in your laughter, let me die in your arms,
let me lay down beside you, let me always be with you.
Come let me love you, come love me again.

You fill up my senses like a night in the forest,
like the mountains in springtime, like a walk in the rain,
like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean.
You fill up my senses, come fill me again.

I carry your heart with me(I carry it in my heart)

I am never without it(anywhere I go you go,my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling)

I fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)

I want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)

and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant

and whatever a sun will always sing is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart(I carry it in my heart)

- E.E Cummings

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream through our human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream through our human hearts.
May Christ exalt our Earth. May rain fall where needed.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide all human wills-
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call humankind
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it awaken true perception.

Let Light, and Love, and Power unfold God's Plan on Earth

***My first, and most treasured home.***


Music, is my doorway to Love! Long before I had the conscious realization that God was in my world, I had music and it would set me free and take me flying with it.
Music is the universal language of the heart, I love the way it expresses the inate creativity and love within us. Each song written is like a imprint of raw beautiful emotion. It reminds me of the magic of life and romances my heart.


August Rush -- So profound, beautiful and inspiring. I recommend it to everyone!
My all time childhood favourite is the Labrynith (which is a very funny analogy now!)
Evan Almighty
The Illusionist,
Interstate 60,
The last Unicorn,
Tuesdays with Morrie,
As it is in Heaven
50 First dates,
What Dreams May Come,
Ever After,
Message in a Bottle,
Moulin Rouge,
Romeo and Juliet,
City of Angels,
Proof of life,
The Matrix,
The Notebook,
I like a lot of foreign films too, they seem to capture the rawness of emotion, it makes it more real.

Anything with Will Farrell in it :)


I do nay watch the Tele!! :)


Dawn of Enlightenment, the book of Pranananda's journey to illumination.
Anything written by Traci Harding. (www.voyageronline.com.au/traciharding)I have read her books over and over again, for years now, they inspire me to see my journey as the exciting adventure that it is!
I love and own many books, mostly uplifting and spiritual types.When I read, I enjoy truth, inspiration, faith, perseverence, joy, love and adventure! (so many books!!)


My Beloved Guru, the merry maker of my soul. For more reasons than I can list. He is the best friend I will ever have, as His love has extended far beyond my concepts of love and shown me a whole new way to Love.

I am in complete awe of every single person on this planet. The courage and perseverence, I see every day around me. I have learnt so much from witnessing this world and I am continually inspired to be more than I think I am in each moment, by the acts of bravery and faith that I see around me every single day, even in the seemingly smallest of ways.

My Blog

Documentary - A Great Awakening

Hello :)I wanted to share this beautiful website; A Great Awakening is a documentary being made on my Guru, Louix Dor Dempriey and also is a about the Guru-Disciple relationship in all forms. The site...
Posted by MissBonny on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 04:59:00 PST

A Prayer for Kenya

A Prayer for Kenya Let us hold in our hearts this day, on the 24th of February, in the Year of our Lord 2008, all the people in all the tribes in Kenya. And let us see the people in this landin the h...
Posted by MissBonny on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 02:02:00 PST

The evening I remembered Myself - Bonny

  During Pranananda's most recent trip to Australia on the 17th of December--His birthday, we held the long awaited public darshan evening at Melba Hall in Melbourne. For me this whole time was a...
Posted by MissBonny on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 09:55:00 PST

What is surrender?

Surrender ..."Here but for the grace of God stand I. Use me according to Thy will"...   One of the most enigmatic concepts in life is that of "surrender." The object of nearly every aspirant's p...
Posted by MissBonny on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:43:00 PST

My Guru, My Hero - Bonny Howarth

My Guru, My Hero If I were to play the song of my heart, it would be a symphony of instruments playing notes of love, slow and beautiful tones that would bring any soul to tears. My song would speak g...
Posted by MissBonny on Fri, 11 May 2007 04:01:00 PST

Your search has ended - Louix Dor Dempriey

Your search has endedYour Search Has EndedSo many are lost,and you are found.So many are floundering, and you are held in My embrace.So many have nowhere to look, and your search has ended.So many ha...
Posted by MissBonny on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 04:59:00 PST

The Grace of the Avatar

The Grace of the Avatar The Grace of the Avatar Pranananda delivering shaktipat to participants at His weekend retreat Melbourne, Australia; 7 February 2004 The immense Light of this Avatar in p...
Posted by MissBonny on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 04:56:00 PST

The Evolution Of Consciousness ( worth a read)

The Evolution of Consciousness You were created in God's image as pure love,to be love, receive love, and spread loveall the days of your lives. - Louix Dor Dempriey People who hold themselves as unl...
Posted by MissBonny on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 02:03:00 PST

Discourse on Transmuting Anger - Louix Dor Dempriey

Transmuting Anger Many who come to Me with bodies filled with disease and decay will often say, "But I am happy. I have no worries or upsets. My life is great." Then, in the next breath, they ask...
Posted by MissBonny on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 04:29:00 PST

Discourse on the Sacredness of Meal times

The Sacredness of Meals Along with meditation, coming together at mealtime is one of the most holy and important times of your day, and, for that reason, needs to be treated with the requisite level o...
Posted by MissBonny on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 04:27:00 PST